Thursday 31 March 2011

Back on the blog! i swear!

Hi Friends --

As usual, I am delinquent about the blog... but I am back! and will attempt to contribute more regularly.

This semester has been nuts.

Between my usual life in three locations -- New Haven, NYC and my parents -- and loads of school work (5 demanding classes) and two clinical sites -- prenatal and BIRTH -- it has been difficult to catch my breath!!

I am feeling super excited about changes and shifts in my life!

1. Moving in with Milo! (It's temporary, we say. 1 year trial. If we don't have fun, we're breaking up. I say this is unlikely, but I also say we've been together for four years, so if this isn't fun, it's time to move on!) Super excited about our apartment -- we move in tomorrow -- in the Lower East Side... lots of lovely cafes, drinking establishments and restaurants... we'll see how much of a bullshit nyc experience it is -- I love new york, but sometimes its dwellers are so damn entitled and irritating. ha!

2. ALMOST A MIDWIFE! I really really love it. I have been doing a lot (and some extra) prenatal clinical lately and it's super fun. I finally feel like I'm getting the content of it better, which let's me relax a little and just have a good time with clients. Now that I actually get what I am supposed to do in prenatal visits I've been able to branch out a little more and talk about other stuff women think and/or I think is important to discuss prenatally. Expectations for birth? Any fears? (it's crazy that talking about fears isn't standard, but it isn't. No time! they say. but I'm a student and I get to take all the time I want. :) ) Baby catching is also awesome!! Haven't caught one for a while now... but I will have an opportunity next week if someone's in labor when I'm there... It is a little scary though -- they come out all slippery! (afraid of dropping)

3. I've been getting pretty good at not getting stressed out. It's not worth it, generally. My strategies: exercise, eat good food, sleep enough, drink water, do one thing at a time, take deep breaths... it will all get done! :)


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