Friday 3 September 2010

late summer ramblings

Hi ya'll,

well here we are, summer is (finally) winding down... I feel like a real islander because I can breath a huge sigh of relief along with the rest of the Vineyarders that September is finally here and the tourists are finally gone - and with them, their children. thank you baby jesus. hahah. Today was the last day of camp, and fittingly, it was half canceled on account of a giant hurricane heading our way, fierce Mr. Earl. Some kids still showed up, and we ran around making some last minute preparations to get the animals to safety, the structures secure. And then, we all sat down to a lovely feast, prepared by the children throughout the week using all delicious farm-fresh ingredients. My kids had fried green tomatoes, salsa, and tomato sauce to offer. Notice a theme? Speaking of which, I have a big bubbling pot of tomato sauce on the stove right now. I'm going to try my hand at canning! I'm a little afraid of botulism, but... I'll definitely try my best not to poison myself (and others).

This summer has been so much of what I wanted and needed, and a little bit of what I didn't want or need (lots of child-related stress...). Oh well, next summer I'll know not to become a weekend nanny while I'm working full-time as a farm-based educator. But, I have been able to pick up some pretty nifty skills, mostly involving food. I just made some delicious corn tortillas (such a wholly satisfying experience..) and I've been quite the bread-maker/baker all summer long. Now I'm moving on to sauces, canning, and other methods of food preserving. Also, I'm really excited that I've grown rather comfortable around some pretty large (and some not large) animals that I would have once been scared to be near. For example: oxen, and cattle in general (and I now know the distinction between oxen, heifers, and bulls! plus, I've learned the commands for guiding an ox, but definitely haven't mastered the art of working with oxen just yet..). I'm still working up the courage to get near our ducks (nasty creatures, those buggers ) but I am beyond infatuated with our goats. Also, piggies are the shit. Sheep are alright too, I guess.

I'm staying on at the farm as a garden apprentice for the month of September, and then I will begin my wanderings. First, a good solid month of New England visits (Amherst, Boston, NYC, New Haven), and then, middle America! I plan on training it out to Minneapolis first, maybe with a pit stop in Chicago, and then moving on to South Dakota, before heading south to Tennessee/Alabama/Louisiana/Texas and then finally, home to South Florida for the Christmas holidays. I am contemplating volunteering at a mega yoga retreat center in the middle of the Berkshires for the months of January through April 2011, but nothing is certain.

Hopefully this storm will pass through the night so I can make it off the island in the morning and make my way to Beantown for sweet Rachey's birthday bash (complete with Stevey G's rapping skillz, we hope). I hope you all are well, and I await our weekend getaway with much anticipation. Nobody beats my Chapman loves, I'm learning.

here's a little taste of summer from my kitchen to yours..

and some shots of the scene on the beach before the storm --

with love, carmella

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