Sunday 3 October 2010

no words; just veggies and cute calves

it's fall!
apollo the calf hangs out at the living local festival
some cute animals get eaten for dinner :/
bus ride to worky
joe bottle feeding the new babies!
(thanksgiving turkeys in the background -more cute animals as food)
greenhouses + silos at the farm (also, i heart greenhouses)
customer lovin on our tomatoes!
hannah and i wo-manning the farm stand at market
zeus and apollo in the backseat of the truck
oh hay! (my friend alexa + apollo)

hi friends, i suppose i can say a few words about life at the moment. life is good! farm work is satisfying, if hard at times. i love my garden girls so much! the love life is surprisingly good and mellow. what? i'm confused by my good fortune with this boy right now (although he's not a boy? he's actually 29? eek?). he's not a skeezeball, he's smart and funny and well-traveled (he's been to all 7 continents!) and honest and open and thoughtful. we've been hanging out a lot, and last night i went to an art show where he was exhibiting some of his photos. i was impressed. anyyyway, i'll stop gushing now :)

that's the dealio in my life right now. I'm thinking bout buying a car. any thoughts about the toyota prius, subaru outback, or anything else that is roomy and fuel efficient? heading out to western mass next weekend; i'll be there from october 9th to the 16th (sorry destry, no can do for the D.C. trip, but I wish I could join in on the fun! send my bday love to sara!) so jess cait destry and anyone else- i wanna hang! boston peeps, i'll try to stop over in your hood for a night or two. otherwise, you all are still welcome to the vineyard anytime! i'll be here until halloween!

other thoughts: october is here. fall is lovely. the end.

hearts, carmella

PS I'm going to try to post a Facebook album today of photos from our weekend cabin retreat, so be on the lookout!

1 comment:

  1. 1. My mom has a Prius. It's amazing. Dream car. The car that I would buy if I could afford one. I'm driving my little brother's Subaru now. It's fine.

    2. Come see me in W. Mass!
