Tuesday 23 November 2010

Gahh winter is here.

Carmella was here last week in South Dakota for many fun, strike that, FOOD-filled adventures. We saw some interactive reggae, ate some BEEF, and generally frolicked South Dakota style on the prairie (i.e. huddled inside the old pontiac between brief spurts of outdoor activity). But now she's gone and it's 20 degrees out (but feels like -4!) and it's back to the old drone of working/sleeping life. It's funny but in college I just wanted some stability and the comfort of a regular paycheck, and now that I have that- I want some of the flexibility back from that time. Carmella and I were talking about the pros and cons of wanting a career where there is a definite path of here's what you need to do to get from point a to point b versus avoiding a path to always be open and ready for new opportunities. I guess neither is ideal and we have to find someway to achieve a little of both to not go hungry or insane from the monotony.

I think I need to plan some trips or general activities, maybe take a Spanish class, or volunteer more. My boss said I can go to this Midwest Academy training, Organizing for Social Change this spring. It's run by an organization that Bill Ayers is somehow connected to so maybe it will be radical and awesome. Anyone heard of it? Good or bad things? I think I would go to the one in May in San Ramon, CA. I've never been to California so it sounds appealing, although I'm not sure realistically how far it is from San Francisco or anywhere else if I wanted to do some sightseeing after. Maybe I would need a car to do that? I've clearly researched this heavily :) But since Carmella left, I have been thinking about how rutted in the 9 to 5 I really am now, and for basically no reason! I think I should be using this time I have before law school to enjoy the flexibility I do have. So I'm going to let some of that Carmella/Chapman awesomeness rub off on me, and start doing stuff- suggestions welcome. Although first thing on the list is more gym time- the sedentary life is not for me or my lower back.

Speaking of not moving- Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


  1. Aahh Midwest Academy! Amazing! Are you getting the ACLU to pay for the training? I've looked into going but it's too much moolah. Envious!

  2. Yeah our office would pay for it- I was just nervous because I haven't heard anything firsthand about it and some of these organizer's workshops are just worthless. But I think I will go- why not after all.
