Wednesday 27 May 2009

chapman forever!

Hi all ! Hope everyone is doing well wherever you are, from Connecticut to España. We really have exploded from the center (Amherst) and out into the world in all sorts of crazy directions, like a firecracker! I'm so excited to here about everyone's adventures.
These days, my life is not so exciting, I must admit. But it has been wonderfully and lovefully lazy, which I've needed badly. (Well, except for that time when we walked to Noho... ) Mostly, I've been hanging out around Chapman with Selena Rosie and Cait. Jess left to NYC with Bill yesterday and Becky arrives Friday from Florida (via train!). Yesterday I became super sick randomly. I had it all from a raging fever to full body aches. It was not a good time, but luckily I had lots of pretty people to lay around the house with and recuperate. Cait made us an awesome veggie chicken pasta dish and Rosie made a wicked good chocolate cake with blueberries - muy delicioso! I drank lots of liquids (throat coat!) and after a good nights rest, I'm feeling much much better (but not good enough to go to work today.. hehe). Cait and Chris just left to take Rose to the airport and the Xie family has departed on their way down South. The house is weirdly quiet - no sounds of Selena padding around the house packing up her life (buttcrack and all!), no Tony to be found
in the living room watching sketchy R.Kelly videos, no offensive curse words to be heard coming from Rosie's room...
I'm sitting in Becky's disaster of a room downstairs. Outside, the birds are chirping sweetly and the rain is coming down lightly. The greenery outside her window is the lushest I've ever seen it. Maybe later I'll take a walk into town. Or lie in bed with Cait all day reading. and so, the point of this story is-

I miss you guys.
chapmanly yours, Carms

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