Sunday 1 August 2010

i think i'm dead

Hi everyone!

I've been talkin to a few folks about this but we're about to make it official. I'm calling a Chapman reunion for all those who can make it! September 17-19, Rachel is booking us a cabin out in the middle of nowhere (and by nowhere, I mean central Mass of course). If you think you can make it, be in touch with either Rachel or me if you haven't been!

Anyway, this is why I think I'm dead. I picked up a second job. I work at Hai Ky which is a fast food vietnamese restaurant run by old man Hai and a bunch of hipsters. It's basically the best. I get free food. I get to play DJ. I have super cute hipster boys working with me. I'm the next in line to be the art curator of the restaurant (Bill's artwork is going up next!). And they pay me (I'd probably work here for free!)! So I told Destry all this and she said "oh basically, you've died and gone to heaven." Must be true. Anyway, I love it. I love Austin. But most of all, I love you all and hope to see everyone soon!

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