Monday 23 August 2010

Maine in August, no more needs to be said

Helloooo my fabulous people! I miss you! Here are some things that are happening with me:

1. I got back from the US Social Forum in Detroit at the end of June. It was life-changing! I have so many new ideas about what I want to be doing with my life. These might very well involve me moving to Arizona. Immigration reform, that's scary shit! Gotta fight it! Go to the frontlines! Yeah!
2. My work is dumb. My bosses are jerking me around. It is partially because they know I work hard, partially because I'm young, partially because I'm female, partially because they think they can walk all over me. But they can't! I feel taken advantage of and taken for granted, and I am sick of feeling that way. So... I am asking them to make me the Interim Director of the organization. I am already doing the work of Director, just don't have the title yet. I think they will give me the title (and hopefully more monies), in which case I will feel all-powerful and mighty. (Hah, just kidding. Sort of.) If they say no, goodbye Holyoke.
3. As you all have probably heard by now, I am a single lady. Break-ups are excruciating, and this one was no exception. But, it has been a month, and I am feeling good about the decision. There is no going back. Also, being single is awesome. I highly recommend it.
4. Basically what it comes down to is that I am going through my own mini-feminist revolution. I have been reading a lot of Audre Lorde and Bell Hooks. You all should check them out if you feel like experiencing your own feminist upheaval. It's the greatest.
5. I am in Maine for two weeks!! TWO weeks!! Amazing! Talk about soul-healing. This is pretty much what I'm doing, all the time, over and over. Come visit! There have been bike rides, boat trips, lobster fests, beach visits, mountain hikes. I have even been on a ferris wheel. So good.

I am so excited to see so many of you in September! It's going to be the best.


  1. i am experiencing a feminist implosion. noticing the sexual dimorphism in japan, and then realizing that it's not that different from anywhere else is making me wonder about how to separate cultural ideals from evolutionary patterns. where does the first one come from? and why do all sexy clothes have to be some form of physical handicap? heels, corsets, thongs, fuzzy handcuffs....
    anyway, we should talk.

  2. So I'm going to write more about this later...but I have to say, I had been searching for the right words and courage frankly to make my own demands at work...and I totally did yesterday! But your post was a good push since I was feeling much the same way. I hope your demand talk went as well as mine!
