Sunday 8 August 2010

a toast to old friends

Hello from Westfield, NY, where I am currently nestled in the woods with my mom and her best friend+family. They have a gorgeous summer home right on Lake Eerie, and they come out every August to celebrate life and love and all things delicious. My mom's been coming out here for many years as well, and this time I decided to join her! It's been so lovely to have a chill weekend (haven't had one of those since summer started!) and just relax on the porch or sail around on their little hobie cat. My favorite time so far, though, has been hanging out in the kitchen with my mom, Lori (her bff), a bottle of wine, and some tunes on the stereo as we cooked up a storm for last night's feast. Reminds me so much of good times with my own set of bosom buddies-- you all! They realized yesterday that they've been friends for THIRTY FIVE YEARS, almost to the day! Craziness. One day we'll be cooking up a storm in someone's beautiful summer home (or in our communal kitchen on our farm?!) with children running at our feet and a sweet breeze blowing, wine glasses in hand, and we'll realize all of a sudden - oh my! Did we really meet that long ago?! We've been friends a hella long time! Craziness!

I just wrote Cait an email about my life as of late, and I was telling her about going to the Newport Folk Festival last weekend and meeting up with Destry, Rach, and DanK. The music was great, I wrote, but the best part of it all was spending time with old friends. I can't wait to recreate it times a million at the cabin in Sept!

Sending ya'll so much love through the cybersphere-

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