Wednesday 5 May 2010


So I haven't posted in a while, and I thought I should give an update at the very least. I have been working a lot lately, and recently got a raise! Very exciting although not that big of a difference pay-wise, but it's nice to be appreciated and whatnot.

Working with these "advocacy groups" in SD has been a giant pain in the ass, mainly because none of them actually want to advocate for any of the people they are supposed to be supporting. On the western side of the state, where there are cops on every corner, the local gay rights groups are content just to have their meetings supervised by a patrolman for safety. There is no thought, "perhaps if this was truly a safe environment, then we wouldn't need cops". Also they have come to the defense of the police department and city council even though the town has repeatedly refused to change their non-discrimination policy to include sexual orientation and we are about to file a lawsuit because of their discriminatory actions against a lesbian woman. Yet the PD and the mayor are just GREAT because of their willingness to provide extra patrols around their building. In other words, because they are doing THEIR JOB which they get paid for what do we care if they are actually targeting LGBT people the other 99% of the time? It's just sad to think that these people are already so much in the minority and already face so much discrimination in these hick areas, and then they also have to deal with these "advocates" who are really after their own grant money and would gladly throw them under the bus. But my boss is young and fiery and comes from a very strong organizing background, and we have decided to try to radicalize some of the LGBT youth in these rural communities. We ordered a bunch of books on organizing and essentially socialist theory (way to spend those ACLU membership dues!) so hopefully we will get some good ideas on how to deal with the majority that has no intention of changing and these groups which we have labeled "counter-revolutionaries". It feels very on the ground which is exciting for me, and I do believe that as corny as it sounds, I can help to make SD a better place, or at the very least, bring it into this century.

In other news, I've decided to get my own apartment (with my new raise!). I just want some independence and a space that is only my own. (For those of you who don't know, I had been living with Austin and his stepbrother in a 2 bedroom apartment.) I don't know really "what this means" so to speak for the future of my relationship, but I feel good about it. I feel like I'm in a rut, and I just want to do something...and as an adult, I can! I have power over my own life! (It's amazing how you can almost lose sight of this seemingly obvious fact) I had felt this way for a few months, and I had passed it off as not really liking SD and missing having friends, but I think that's just kind of a cop-out on my part. It's hard accepting that I will probably never be in a place like Amherst again where I constantly had interesting and lovely people around me who I wanted to get to know. Most people here I feel like I could take or big deal. But that's no excuse for accepting that level of mediocrity in all areas of my life. So I'm making a change! Moving out and making an active effort to get to know the one or two people here who I do find moderately interesting. I feel very bright and cheery about these developments. Also, I think the fact that it's spring and I'm coming to Amherst soon is just making everything seem better...

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