Wednesday 19 May 2010

valley news

Hiya sweets! So as many of you know, I returned from Europe one week ago (exactly!) after a long long journey of approximately 30 hours (flights delays, volcanic ash, sleeping in airports... the whole shebang). Then I was home in Miami for a short but glorious 3 days in which I got much accomplished - saw old friends, had a doctor's appt, went to the beach, and planned a surprise party for my mom! (her bday is today!!) The party was a success and everyone had fun and ate lotsa paella! It was an awesome couple of days... then Saturday morning my leetle sister and I flew up here to the valley, and we've been basking in valley love ever since. We're staying in the zu, spending much time in our beloved kitchen or out on the trails in the bird sanctuary and such. We've had barts ice cream, antonio's pizza, and we spent an afternoon at the bookmill. The other night we even had a bonfire at an awesome spot in the woods! I've also been getting lots of shots (vaccines, in anticipation for my Ecuador return in november!) and catching up on movies - gabs and i saw "babies" at amherst cinema and then we watched this indie flic, "bella", with jess last night. i give them both a thumbs up! Selena and Rosie get here tonight (CHAPMAN REUNION) and I think I'll break out my bottle of limoncello for the occasion! family will be arriving soon, i have some new dresses to show off, life is good.

can't wait to see all you babies soon! missing those who aren't around but i know you're all having fun and and being beautiful wherever you are !

lots of looooove, carms

1 comment:

  1. I soooo want to see that babies movie and i have no idea why. see you soon lovely!
