Monday 24 May 2010

i did a bad bad thing

Hi loves!
I saw so many of you just this weekend, and I needn't really recap the frolicking and the rolfing (not frolfing) and the recovering and the dancing and the fresh side and the grass and val and hardly spending a dime and the bug-in-the-ear and the hilarious interactions with t.marx and the wings and the hampshire reservoir and the bird sanctuary and the moan and dove and the massive bed party. before we hit the bus to amherst, selena was also with me in boston and jenny came up from new york with a kilo of chocolate which we have now completely consumed (thank you all for you assistance!). we became regulars at deep ellum and i basically convinced all involved that boston does not suck any balls, not even one.
However, nothing beats the green explosion of hiking ponding delicious of amherst and our little zu house, which put us up for free in a room that we found unoccupied (..we put ourselves up). saw a lot of friends, bartended at tent parties that were not mine, became moving art, and graduated twice yes TWICE from amherst college. Once, last year, as myself, and again this year as Rachel Anne Meketon (congrats honey bunches) who is hiking the trail and laughs in the face of authority. I successfully impersonated this little minx, convinced president tony that it was hilarious rather than illegal, commandeered a cap n' gown (with my crazy ninja moves....or amherst's complete trust of almost anyone), and walked. not a hitch. even i'm surprised. many photo evidences but here's a quick one from the amherst flickr forwarded to me by way of moin and trask and waskom.

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