Sunday 7 February 2010

Things that are delicious...

So I have been doing some cooking this afternoon. I now have roasted red pepper and eggplant parm in the freezer and my version of lentil soup. Which means I have two more recipes for the cookbook and something in the works...I made these maple bacon and chocolate chip cookies which were tasty, but I think I am going to jazz them up the next time I make them...for another recipe in the book....other than that, it has been a lazy afternoon watching the "Puppy Bowl" on Animal Planet. Gotta love those puppies.

It's going to be a busy week for me. This week our (my boss and I slash the ACLU of SD's) bill is going to be discussed and voted on in the State House and then will go to the Senate (hopefully) so fingers crossed SD will be a less terrible place for gay people after this next month. The bill amends the state anti-discrimination policy to include sexual orientation and gender identity. It's the ACLU's 4 year plan to pass it, but we have done so much that it looks like it might actually make it through this year! Also I am supposed to be planning an event?? Which I don't really know how to do.... BUT BUT BUT after this project, it looks like I might be doing just legal projects/paralegal type stuff and thus not interacting with all the judgemental "progressive" SD ladies that drive me crazy. After my last post, I met with the girl from Planned Parenthood that I mentioned and she confirmed all of my thoughts about working as a young woman in SD. Except she has been trying for acceptance for over three years (and several professional hair cuts) without success. So I'm declaring them a waste of my time and dedicating myself to something I am much better being buried in files and doing legal research. My boss supports this and I feel much better about being here now!

I think I'll go eat a few more of those bacon cookies before bed...

1 comment:

  1. i love you !!! come back to us east coast ladies........
