Sunday 18 April 2010


I've been long overdue for a post I think.
So in (no) order, here are the things that have happened to me. So Rachel was just here interviewing for her job which was a joy. However, I had to leave last weekend to go to Washington DC for an orientation for my field season in Japan, which is being sponsored by NSF's East Asia and Pacific Institutes Program (EAPSI). So I met a bunch of delightful nerds in all kinds of fields, and built up a little network of people to hang out with while I'm stranded in Yokohama (just outside of Tokyo) for 10 weeks this summer. Also, because I found some decently cheap tickets, I booked myself a flight to Prague on May 24 (right after commencement) and will be there for a few days before I head to Freiburg im Brisgau where my good childhood friend Jessy will be. Then I'm heading home to San Diego for a couple of weeks before my Japan field season. And still going in backwards order, I'm officially walking for Rachel Meketon, don't tell the feds, and will see most of you fabulous ladies and man and commencement 2010, where I will be the first student to receive two diplomas from Amherst College (snicker snicker). What else? Romain and I found a great apartment with a cool fire escape and lots of light in Jamaica Plain, right next to the Arnold Arboretum which will be great for drooling over plants. We are still looking for a third roommate so if anyone feels like moving to Boston, holler. This weekend I was in two dance shows, one was a structured contact improvisation choreographed by a visiting faculty member from France, about the funnest thing I've ever done. And another was a duet that I choreographed on myself and a cool lady I met who loves to play around making dance as much as I do. Makes me miss my days with Meggy and Hannah. So this weekend was a blast and yesterday was the cast party where I got a liiiiiittle tipsy and was still not quite there when I made the following comment on Selena's post: "these kids are all perfect". Just to reiterate. I was drunk, I still hate kids.
Love, Rose

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