Wednesday 7 April 2010

i'd rather be in a padded hallucination room

the blue man group created a school for children in new york city. this is what it looks like:

these kids will grow up, and when they see what real life is like, they will do drugs.
damn you, blue man group, for poisoning our future people-bots with psychedelic floor lighting!

Rachel comes to Boston tomorrow for a job interview! So updates on her wonderful journey soon. Until then, I walked 12 miles today (!) looking at flowering and leaf out for plants along the Charles River from the center of the city to the town of Waltham. Sometimes I bike and sometimes I walk, but either way I feel really outdoorsy and awesome when I'm finished, even though I'm just walkin' through the 'burbs. Go urban ecology!

Here are a couple of pictures I took along the way. Can you see my little temperature and light logger in the last picture? It is right in the middle, a little green gadget. Hopefully passersby won't notice and steal them, since they are $50 apiece. But its not like it's gold-plated or made by apple, so fingers crossed. Love, Rosie

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