Thursday 28 January 2010

my newest accessory

Brought to you by three months of patience and a dab of Cowboy 'Stache Wax.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

zippity do da

Hi friends, I just wanted to update everyone on my current life (work and a boy, in a nutshell). The past two days, I've been working nonstop from 7am to 8 or 9pm. And it's basically going to continue until Friday. We have our biggest legislative event of the year which involves shuttling around the old, lovely ladies of the United Methodist Women. They're a group of tough old birds. Screaming at politicians that come speak to them, and otherwise, always speaking passionately about issues in a surprisingly refreshing way.

Besides listening to stories of growing up on Booniebuttfucknowhere, I've been spending a lot of time with my new man. As my family, I wanted to introduce him to you all of course. His name is John Eller. He is 27 and grew up in Kasilof, Alaska (a teensy village on the sprucy peninsula of Kenai a little ways outside of Anchorage) in a macrobiotic commune. Some fun facts about him:
* He has 7 brothers and 5 sisters
* He pedicabs (this is a bike that has a little carriage in the back for drunk people) and works in a bar
* He uses chopsticks better than forks (his parents had a profound appreciation for Japanese culture which is where the macrobiotic diet comes from)
* He's in the community college's choir even though he sings horribly
* He's going to Alaska in April to help his family raise a barn and New York in September to get an MFA in creative writing at the New School
* He makes me unbelievably happy

I don't have any photos of him yet and he doesn't have facebook but I'll post some photos soon! Here are three of his brothers and one of his cousins on his family's commune's website . I'm assured that John used to look like his brothers too (now he has dark hair), so use your imagination!

Monday 25 January 2010

oh, to be a kitty-cat!

to lie in the sun all day,
nothing to do but play play play!
all these humans, they run around town with a frown,
but i am the one who really knows how to get down!

a little ode to my favorite pals these days. i wish to come back as a kitty-cat in my next life! aside all the kitty-love in my life, i've been quite enjoying my time in miami. the cold finally left us alone (cause 50 degrees is really unacceptable for Floridians) and i've been dancing running stretching gardening, and it feels good. this weekend there were tons of benefit music shows for haiti with lots of local talent and that was really awesome. makes me wanna go to cuba and dance in the streets, but really it makes me want to book it to haiti asap. alas, i depart for france thursday afternoon... i contemplated ditching the europe plans but i decided to stay the course and possibly cut the trip short in order to go volunteer in haiti. i have some contacts down there and my name is on several volunteer lists, so we'll see. call me/i'll call you guys before i leave the country!
missing y'all. peace and veggies, carmella

Sunday 24 January 2010

the happy homestead or alternatively "been around in beantown"

good morning loves! we just woke up and decided a few things - to post, and to buy chocolate chips, and meat (because rachel's tongue is tingling... and that means "CHOCOLATE AND MEAT"). we've had a few adventures of note recently: sweaty party in apartment five on friday which ended with the windowpane on the front door smashed in and people crawling out through the new hole... eventually and still boarded up w extremely fancy plywood. last night rachel crashed rose's date and ended up hanging out with dan kamen's whole bro-crew (minus the austin contingent and dan himself). that's a lot of bros. (rosie: in retrospect maybe it wasn't a date) ok back to the real world, peace out! AND HAPPY BIRTHDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday 23 January 2010

Birthday Season!

Today is Hannah's birthday and tomorrow is Cait's! Yall know what to do

Friday 22 January 2010

Frustrated...but overall Happy.

So I haven't posted in a while, not since I got my job with the ACLU in SD. Now I'm writing this after a glass or two of wine, so forgive my grammatical errors because I would really like to vent a little to some independent and intelligent young women. My adjustment period into the office lasted about 4 hours, which is great that I transitioned so easily into the "real world". I like my job and my boss (who really could be chase's long lost sibling), but not so much that I'm completely uninspired to apply for law school this summer. So all is GREAT, except I just got back from my first development event where I had to schmooze with potential donors. I think I did fine, talkative and friendly without being a cheerleader. Except every woman in that room looked at me like I was a young, silly barbie doll or something. In fact, one woman filled out the form that I had put out for more info and when I said I could take that for her...she said "oh I'll just give it to Robert (my boss and a MAN) myself." Of course when he got it he handed it directly to me, but I couldn't help but be a little insulted. I really think this was because I am a young woman and of course, could not be the least bit intelligent or able. But do I really have to wait around ten years until I have some wrinkles on my face to be worthy of respect or consideration? Do I have to wait until my 40's to start a "serious" career? It's very bizarre honestly. I've been an outsider in SD becuase of my family, for being the fat nerd, and for deciding to leave...but I never thought I would feel put-down for being competent and young (excited!) to be in SD working for a cause I know all these women support. So the bad news is, if the most liberal women in SD still feel like the am I supposed to earn their respect enough to work with them to change SD? This is really the most frustrating place....

But I did meet one very nice and witty girl..she works at Planned Parenthood here so we'll be spending lots of time together. Maybe she can help me break in. Perhaps I should go back to being a brunette...maybe the blonde leaves me asking to be disrespected? I don't know, but I'm done ranting now. Hot shower, jack daniels nightcap and early to bed ready to fight the good fight tomorrow:)

Thursday 21 January 2010

More Changes

Actually, not that many. My life is pretty much the same as it has been for the last few months.

I've been writing some Sacred Harp-style songs recently, which is super fun, and almost named one after Chapman, but decided in the end that it wasn't good enough for that name. One day.

And, I unofficially got into two grad schools so far, one of which is the University of Georgia department of Marine Sciences, which is my top choice so far, which is exciting. I'm heading down there (Athens, GA) in two weekends for their recruitment fair, and to check out the area. So it looks like I'll definitely be going to school again somewhere next year, which is both super exciting and a little daunting, again. But yay!

Also, one of the coolest things that happened to me recently was on a drive back from Boston last weekend. It was about 10:30 at night and I was driving back on 202 next to the Quabbin in Pelham, and saw FOUR moose next to the road. They stayed off the road, which made me happy, but it was really, really cool. Moose. In Pelham. Crazy!

Tuesday 19 January 2010

This Time Tomorrow

This time tomorrow where will we be
On a spaceship somewhere sailing across an empty sea?

I might not know where I'll be tomorrow, but I know where I'll be May 15th. Boston, MA. And Amherst May 18th or 19th or 20th for Carmsies and Rach's (in absentia) graduation until May 24th. I better see some of yer cute asses around.

Monday 18 January 2010

Also: Haiti

I know how much we've been inundated lately with horrible photos of tragedy and destruction in Haiti. And I don't want to perpetuate that suffering. But I have spent some time these past few days researching the ways to help. I've found that the best thing we can do right now is give money, even if it sounds crass. And I think the best organization we can give to is Partners in Health, Doctors Without Borders is also doing good work there. Monty and I gave $100, which is the most we can afford on our meagre salaries. I wish it were more, but at least it's something, and every bit helps. Anyway, I hope you'll all think about donating something, if you haven't already. Thaaaaanks.

asians, baby asians, ukeleles... these are a few of my favorite things!

one more time with feeling!

(selena pointed out that he's making selena faces - so true! must be an asian thing. teehee!)

Sunday 17 January 2010

Mr. Suave-o McSexybeast

rose's suggestion for a nom de plume. hello everyone! since moving in with rosie on thursday my life has been filled with delightful rosisms!

as predicted my past few weeks have been fast and strange. flying from home in philly to west palm beach, traveling to miami, and from there near-directly to boston. lots of places, none of them mine. in miami, basked in carmella's strong spirit! (too cold to bask in the sun! booo...) and had long sex-y talks with sammy and chase! (sorry carms you missed those by sleeping with your sis! hah!)

above: me with the gorgeous guiol girls and a dying iguana (due to cold temps)

my tasks for the next two months: party with rosie (and others in the northeast!), apply for jobs for the fall, and prepare to hike the a.t. that's what i'll be doing on the day-to-day, while maybe feeling a bit down about my lack of direction, unknown futures, etc. obviously it's not rational. but there it is.

love love, r.

Changes! (cha cha chaaanges)

Update!: Monty is officially starting a job as an Area Coordinator at Amherst the week after next. With the job comes an on-campus apartment (Stearns, anyone?) that he will slowly move into over the course of the next six weeks. I'm taking this opportunity to move to Holyoke, a much-craved life change. Other than the draw-back that Monty and I will drive almost daily to see each other, and that we'll have to give up our sweet apartment, I'm excited. The commute between Holyoke and Northampton is a mind-fuck. I'm getting more involved and invested in the Holyoke community, but it's hard to overcome the constant obstacle of not being a resident. And I'll have more ownership and legitimacy as a politically active citizen if I am a resident. The idea is to do political work in Holyoke not just on behalf of someone else, but because it's in my own best interest as a community member. This change has raised lots of questions about my long-term (ie post this year) commitment to the city, which, needless to say, I'm not prepared to answer. I won't physically move until March, but mentally I am already there. 

My dad is coming up this week to "check out" the city. Blaaah safety concerns.

We ate delicious homemade pizza last night with Sara DZ, Scott, and my friends Liz and Will (the one that Selena followed around Chapman). And I am making better and better friends with the other people at my work. Also, I just made a pitch to Profs. Mehta and Ferguson to let me audit their seminar on Gandhi and MLK. (Selena and Rachel, I was so tempted to name-drop you guys, but I kept it together.) And I am going to be a liasion/TA type person for the community development class I took at MHC last year. Yayyyy for maintaining some semblance of an academic and social life post-college.

I am feeling good about life/work/friends now. Plus if it snows enough we are going sledding tomorrow!! (Becky, Julian, want to come?)

happiness is...

two kinds of ice cream, finding your skate key, telling the tiiiiiime! (you're a good man, charlie brown ... anyone?)
hi guys!
rachie is here and living with me, and life is suddenly so so good. I feel like my group of friends has finally congealed and become a delicious jello of city love and fun activities. me and rach are going to take a long walk today to search for AT gear. i miss the lots of walking me and mommers did in taiwan and the cold masshole air has been pretty refreshing .. not too chilly.
just got off of an epic chatting session with some lovely girls and need to take a break from the computer to create some breakfast. happy trails all, and please tell me about your lives. i want my jello bowl to be as big and wiggly as possible!
also...visit us!

Monday 11 January 2010

"stop having boring tuna and stop having a boring life"

words of wisdom from the slap chop guy!

"you're gonna love my nuts"


Sunday 10 January 2010

ni hao, peng you!

hello, friends!
it is 6:25am in California and I cannot sleep due to the trials of jetlag. So I'm going to post about my trip.

Firstly, it was delicious. Taiwan boasts some of the most ridiculous food in the entire world, and some of the most ridiculous jadeite rocks meticulously carved to resemble food. In fact, the two most famous pieces in Taipei's National Palace Museum are these:

Cabbage and pork .... rocks. Every keychain in the gift shop either has cabbage or meat hanging off of it. Other delicious specialties include oyster omelettes, bell apples and sugar apples, neither of which remotely resemble apples. One is like a pink, heart-shaped pear, and the other is a bubbly green artichoke-type thing oozing with delicious creamy white goo (yeah, i said it). This goo is so sweet that I can only have about 1oz before I have to stop. And I'm a sugar fiend.
Mochi in Taiwan is called Muaji and they think they invented it. It is also delcious and comes in ridiculous flavors. Many vegetables are mysterious pickled and many fruits and flowers dried and marinated in weird liquids that give everything a sweet rum taste. There are exotic potatoes.

Okay. As for the actual sites that I saw, mom and I traveled to four cities, not counting the city with the airport (Taoyuan), which is not that interesting.

Tainan- southwesterly city, with a temple on every street corner, mostly buddhist, one confucian. The buddhist temples are all foggy from the incense and filled with people bobbing up and down at the alter asking for shit. Each temple has a specialty like love, education (students pray here for good test scores), family, shock and awe, etc etc. tainan is also famous for danzi mian, a noodle soup dish with little bits of animal floating in it. also ran into some of the new year's day festival, complete with firecrackers, giant gods on stilts, dragon dances, and masked instrumentalists.

Taitung- southwesterly city framed by tropical forest. We took a bus out to the Jhihben forest park and hiked our asses off. We also dipped our feet into some medicinally healing hot spring water. I didn't experience any spritual revelations, but it was nice and warm and all of the other hikers had for some reason decided to bring adorable puppies and gerbils. Seriously there were like eight dogs and two gerbils ROAMING FREE.

Hualien- flower city. edible specialty is a red flower marinated in sugar. also home to taroko gorge, a really big-ass gorge that also has one of the world's tallest buddhas and some little temples with names like "eternal buddha sunshine spring temple".

Taipei- hit all the big museums here: National Palace, a museum about the formosan aborigines that would probably piss off my anthro people, and a van gogh exhibit. did a bit of shopping in the ximending district as per jenny's recommendation. one of mom's friends took us out for one of those acupressure foot and calf massage from a bunch of sadists who kept offering me tea and telling me that the pain is cleansing. the pain was not especially cleansing. but the tea was delicious. when i see the color purple, i think of taro.

All in all I had a completely awesome time with my mum and took a zillion pictures that I'll try to make a postable album of soon. Until then, love the earth, love each other, and swear profusely.

-mei gui

Saturday 9 January 2010

happppppy bdayyyy

Everyone wish our lovely Carmella a happy birthday?! Wish i was with you all!

Sunday 3 January 2010

2010 jubileeeeeee

yay! i am so happy to read all of your happy news and thoughts! rach and destry, thanks for sharing the song and the article - both made me extremely happy!
so, life in the land of sunshine and papayas has been quite satisfying and exciting, but also quiet and calm. lots of poolside lounging with the kitties (i swear all i do is watch our 3 kitties play and jump on each other and breast feed and be adorable! it's the best way to pass the time, i promise!) last monday, my dad got surgery for carpel tunnel and then on wed i followed in his footsteps and was admitted into the emergency room for an injury on my right hand. i was on my cousin's motorboat jetting off into the bay when suddenly his anchor got loose and i went to catch it and the rope just ripped my right hand and gave me a second degree burn across my whole palm. so, that was... interesting. the upside is i've been learning to be ambidextrous! otherwise, it's a bit of a pain to do just about anything but i'm healing fast and i should be fully recovered soon (i hope!).
i spent new years eve out on the boat with some cousins (aboard another boat, a SAILboat...) watching the fireworks from a distance. it was AMAZING. we didnt quite know exactly when the countdown was but we HEARD the screams of joy coming from the city lights - one of the most incredible things i've ever experienced. we popped the champagne, howled at the moon, and enjoyed the glorious view of ALL the firework shows happening on the mainland (without the loud noise!). quite a glorious new years indeed. back on the mainland, i joined some friends at this swanky hotel near my house where we crashed some parties (open bar!) and then had a picnic in a park, wine and cheese included. i am very much enjoying all of these outdoor activities in my life, and i'm catching plenty of rays for you guys, don't worry (vit d deficiency is a big problem! fight it with a visit to MIAMI!)
speaking of visits, my two friends from cincinatti arrive this afternoon for a week and then friday descend the amherst lovelies for a weekend of birthday debauchery. also, i just got confirmation for this summer job in martha's vineyard working on a farm/camp! yippee! life is grand. sadly, i have to get some tooth repairs while i'm home and the cost is pretty high so i dont think i'll be able to make it to costa rica for cait's birthday in a few weeks. oh wells, you can't do it all.

miss you all! besotes from miami!

ps destry, i've been baking bread too! (pre hand accident) so yummy! i even made some french baguettes but it took forever and they didnt last that long... for now i'm sticking to banana bread :)

Hah, I spelled "buying" wrong

Doing more, buiying less!

Finally!: Americans are doing more and spending less

I am doing more: I made my first two loaves of homemade bread yesterday. Delicious. I am never buying bread again, hopefully. I also took the most glorious, most quiet walk in the woods. Birds everywhere! Monty and I are going to the Bookmill on this snowy Sunday. I will write Christmas thank-yous and read my Proust. I will say a wintry hello to it from all of you.

Rach, I was going to post that song too! I think of us every time I hear it. Glad to know our heads are in the same Chapman place.

Friday 1 January 2010

Happy Post

I have a job! I'm going to be a hostess (soon to be a waitress) at FitzWilly's in Noho. It's humble, but it's mine. Also please see the Princess and the Frog. It's so beautifully done, and so heartwarming. Tomorrow night I am throwing myself a sweet little graduation party on the Lower East Side. If you're in town it's the Alphabet Lounge 104 Ave C starting at 9:30. Okay that's it. Sorry my happy posts are much shorter than my sad ones. Happiness is a lot easier to describe. Love you! Happy New Year!

home & the nomads of capitalism

began my nomadics this week. peru came to me in the form of meli and violeta, and we saw the sights in philadelphia and nyc. after a blip in my new years plans, i found myself driving down the highway to dc-area to pass the holiday w scott, sara and their jubilant home-friends. on monday i'm headed to florida to see my mom's family and then carmella, sam, and chase. per normal, i feel uncomfortable in my supposed "home" and am anxious to be with the people who actually mean home to me... a little saddened that we'll all be on the move for the next few years, or forever, following the whims of capitalism, job markets, tho hopefully mostly our own passions... feeling a bit down about it, except when i'm listening to this song......