Sunday 17 January 2010

Changes! (cha cha chaaanges)

Update!: Monty is officially starting a job as an Area Coordinator at Amherst the week after next. With the job comes an on-campus apartment (Stearns, anyone?) that he will slowly move into over the course of the next six weeks. I'm taking this opportunity to move to Holyoke, a much-craved life change. Other than the draw-back that Monty and I will drive almost daily to see each other, and that we'll have to give up our sweet apartment, I'm excited. The commute between Holyoke and Northampton is a mind-fuck. I'm getting more involved and invested in the Holyoke community, but it's hard to overcome the constant obstacle of not being a resident. And I'll have more ownership and legitimacy as a politically active citizen if I am a resident. The idea is to do political work in Holyoke not just on behalf of someone else, but because it's in my own best interest as a community member. This change has raised lots of questions about my long-term (ie post this year) commitment to the city, which, needless to say, I'm not prepared to answer. I won't physically move until March, but mentally I am already there. 

My dad is coming up this week to "check out" the city. Blaaah safety concerns.

We ate delicious homemade pizza last night with Sara DZ, Scott, and my friends Liz and Will (the one that Selena followed around Chapman). And I am making better and better friends with the other people at my work. Also, I just made a pitch to Profs. Mehta and Ferguson to let me audit their seminar on Gandhi and MLK. (Selena and Rachel, I was so tempted to name-drop you guys, but I kept it together.) And I am going to be a liasion/TA type person for the community development class I took at MHC last year. Yayyyy for maintaining some semblance of an academic and social life post-college.

I am feeling good about life/work/friends now. Plus if it snows enough we are going sledding tomorrow!! (Becky, Julian, want to come?)

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