Tuesday 26 January 2010

zippity do da

Hi friends, I just wanted to update everyone on my current life (work and a boy, in a nutshell). The past two days, I've been working nonstop from 7am to 8 or 9pm. And it's basically going to continue until Friday. We have our biggest legislative event of the year which involves shuttling around the old, lovely ladies of the United Methodist Women. They're a group of tough old birds. Screaming at politicians that come speak to them, and otherwise, always speaking passionately about issues in a surprisingly refreshing way.

Besides listening to stories of growing up on Booniebuttfucknowhere, I've been spending a lot of time with my new man. As my family, I wanted to introduce him to you all of course. His name is John Eller. He is 27 and grew up in Kasilof, Alaska (a teensy village on the sprucy peninsula of Kenai a little ways outside of Anchorage) in a macrobiotic commune. Some fun facts about him:
* He has 7 brothers and 5 sisters
* He pedicabs (this is a bike that has a little carriage in the back for drunk people) and works in a bar
* He uses chopsticks better than forks (his parents had a profound appreciation for Japanese culture which is where the macrobiotic diet comes from)
* He's in the community college's choir even though he sings horribly
* He's going to Alaska in April to help his family raise a barn and New York in September to get an MFA in creative writing at the New School
* He makes me unbelievably happy

I don't have any photos of him yet and he doesn't have facebook but I'll post some photos soon! Here are three of his brothers and one of his cousins on his family's commune's website ionia.org . I'm assured that John used to look like his brothers too (now he has dark hair), so use your imagination!

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