Friday 22 January 2010

Frustrated...but overall Happy.

So I haven't posted in a while, not since I got my job with the ACLU in SD. Now I'm writing this after a glass or two of wine, so forgive my grammatical errors because I would really like to vent a little to some independent and intelligent young women. My adjustment period into the office lasted about 4 hours, which is great that I transitioned so easily into the "real world". I like my job and my boss (who really could be chase's long lost sibling), but not so much that I'm completely uninspired to apply for law school this summer. So all is GREAT, except I just got back from my first development event where I had to schmooze with potential donors. I think I did fine, talkative and friendly without being a cheerleader. Except every woman in that room looked at me like I was a young, silly barbie doll or something. In fact, one woman filled out the form that I had put out for more info and when I said I could take that for her...she said "oh I'll just give it to Robert (my boss and a MAN) myself." Of course when he got it he handed it directly to me, but I couldn't help but be a little insulted. I really think this was because I am a young woman and of course, could not be the least bit intelligent or able. But do I really have to wait around ten years until I have some wrinkles on my face to be worthy of respect or consideration? Do I have to wait until my 40's to start a "serious" career? It's very bizarre honestly. I've been an outsider in SD becuase of my family, for being the fat nerd, and for deciding to leave...but I never thought I would feel put-down for being competent and young (excited!) to be in SD working for a cause I know all these women support. So the bad news is, if the most liberal women in SD still feel like the am I supposed to earn their respect enough to work with them to change SD? This is really the most frustrating place....

But I did meet one very nice and witty girl..she works at Planned Parenthood here so we'll be spending lots of time together. Maybe she can help me break in. Perhaps I should go back to being a brunette...maybe the blonde leaves me asking to be disrespected? I don't know, but I'm done ranting now. Hot shower, jack daniels nightcap and early to bed ready to fight the good fight tomorrow:)

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