Wednesday 10 March 2010

brussels sprouts

i'm in brussels! haven't eaten any brussel sprouts yet (who knew they grew like this?!) but i HAVE eaten lots of belgian chocolate, potatoes in various forms, and fresh bread and assorted pastries... (i've had to adopt a strict running regime to balance out this diet, hahah. luckily i get to run around this - a unit cell of an iron crystal magnified 165 billion times- so that's pretty cool). otherwise, i watch the travel channel wth my grandfather, wheel him around in his wheelchair without bumping into too many walls (i'm working on it), and prepare our meals (lots of defrosting.. it's hard work). i go into the city every other day or so to visit various cousins and GO TO AWESOME CONCERTS (see video below). life is pretty good, a welcome calm after the stress and madness of being on a tiny boat with my dad for weeks on end. I can't complain. plus, i can walk, which is really awesome. it sounds weird, but after seeing the state my grandfather is in as he loses the strength in his legs more and more each day, i'm pretty grateful for my working legs... so much so that i may walk the camino again for a few weeks in april, this time on the french side. perhaps! we shall seeeeee.
sending lots of love and chocolate kisses your way!
bisous from carmella and Kristian Matsson (the tallest man on earth!! he's actually quite tiny, and so cute!)

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