Sunday 11 July 2010

island living

Hi friends! I hope summer has been treating you well in your respective corners of the world. Life on the island has been pretty great. LOTS of work, but lots of playtime too. here are a few facts about my life as of late -
-I never go anywhere without my bathing suit, a change of clothes, and a raincoat (although we haven't had a drop of rain in over TWO WEEKS! We're all super happy about the endless beach days, but the plants are a little sad).
-Swimming in gorgeously hidden swimming holes is like a drug, and I'm addicted.
-As a result, I haven't had a shower in........ let's just say, I'm pretty sure I have Selena's record beat.
-I have a crush on a boy with a head of lettuce tattooed on his shoulder.
-my social calendar mostly consists of get-togethers put on by other random young farmers on the island where we might kick a ball or throw a frisbee around, but where we will DEFINITELY drink beer and barbeque.
-I went to my first karaoke bar by accident on a Thursday night in my pj's. My roomie and I just went into town to get a late night ice cream treat and she saw the karaoke contest sign outside a bar and we waltzed right in. We stayed for 2 hours jamming out with some prepsters in too many variations of white on white/popped collars, and Hannah won 2nd place!
-I recently assisted in the "processing" of 75 chickens (or to put it bluntly, the assassination) that were then sent off to restaurants to be cooked for dinner. (talk about fresh!) Thankfully, I was at the end of the chain, so I was bagging and weighing the birds, rather than slicing open their jugular vein and waiting for them to stop thrashing about before dunking them in boiling water. yeah, it's a pretty brutal process, but being a part of it actually makes me more okay with eating them.... go figure.
-On the weekends, I work as a nanny for a family that lives in a giant McMansion complete with 2 of everything (dishwasher, washer/drier, flat screen T.V., etc). Also, all the walls, furniture, bedsheets, absolutely everything is either white, cream colored, or ecru- which is okay, if you don't have 3 children under the age of 5. but they let me borrow their beemer on the weekends, so I'm not complaining.

anyway, enough jabbering. now f0r some photos! (i'm in photo deprivation mode because I don't have a facebook anymore, and i've barely taken any at all since i've been here! it's weird!) anyway, here's a little snippet of island living --

the clay cliffs at aquinnah

the ferry dock at oak bluffs, the town i'm living in

OB at dusk

my ride home (pictures don't do it justice)

the bridge from jaws! it's really fun to jump off it

a new batch of chicks arrive on the farm.
they're kosher kings, a heritage breed of chickens that we're trying out.

me and bethany, a fellow farmie, enjoying pizza night at a local bakery
with a communal outdoor wooden stove

carms and hannah ringing in the 4th of july in style (or, in vermont speak, with great "steeze")

that's all folks! sorry if that was unbearably long. also, i'm going to try to come out to the valley soemtime in august, but it might not happen. so you should probably all just come out here asap. yep. or come out to the newport folk fest with me and destry!!!!!!!!!

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