Monday 19 July 2010

it's thunderstorming in amherst!


I am so excited to have been invited to join you all in this blog thing! Thank you, Selena! I've been nostalgic for last summer these days, thinking about those few weeks in August when many of you were here & we played so carefreely, so it was nice to 'reconnect' with everyone who I have seen only rarely or not at all since then.

Life in Amherst is coming to a rapid close, and this year of mellow saturdays and bottomless wine and country roads is almost done. I'm trading it in for something with a bit more of a pulse, and probably a huge smack in the face from city living. Next Tuesday Scott & I are moving out of our lovely little apartment (courtesy in part of Sarah Z's minivan, which naturally makes an appearance in all major life events) and relocating to the DC area. I go to Atlanta not long after for the American Community Gardens Association conference, followed immediately by a two week volunteer project in urban gardening in Reykjavik, Iceland. It feels great to have so many exciting things ahead, but of course bittersweet to be leaving behind all the simplicity of this year and its predictability and routines.

This morning I landed at Bradley after a crazy weekend in LA with my brother and other family that lives out there. It was awesome to see my older brother, who's working for a Burmese education organization in Northern Thailand, and becoming bald at the age of 28. He was always much cooler than me, so I finally have my revenge. :)

For anyone considering moving to Los Angeles, please...don't. I spent so much time in the car/ in traffic, I began to feel nauseous just getting near the passenger's seat. Oceans & great weather aside, I really don't understand how humans survive out there.

Anyhow, for those of you still in a reasonable distance to 45 N. East Street, please come over before we go. And I'll take the opportunity to extend a standing invitation to all of you in my future home in DC, should you ever need your fix of politics or swampy weather.

Be Well!


p.s. even though i can't understand most of what the site says, this is awesome: . check out especially:


  1. i second that LA totally sucks.

  2. Thirded. I got sick the day before I went to LA (the only far), so most of my memories are napping and feeling nauseous. While in traffic.
