Thursday 22 July 2010

My Baby!

Today I am announcing the birth of my beautiful baby, the ACLU of SD website. After spending 5 months arguing with the National ACLU about whether to use the wording "privacy policy" or "privacy statement" and wanting to rip my hair out and send it to the IT department in response to their ongoing jargon, the website finally went live yesterday evening.

Now I didn't do any of the programming or anything awesome like that, but I did write all of the content and found all the graphics and created the design template for each page. I am really proud of the finished project. I think it's going to be a great resource for the office long after I'm gone. Also it turns out that I can actually finish a longterm project, setting weekly goals rather than racing at the last minute, or the last 4 days (thesis writing be damned!) to finish. It's weird but when other people would talk about their thesis as their baby, I never had that same reaction. I felt like my thesis was a brain dead kitten that I just wanted to put out of its misery, except it wouldn't go away! But now, this website which started out in much the same way, turned out to be my normal, full-functioning, and dare I say, cute:) baby!

But yeah, weird metaphors aside, I'm very very happy:)

Check it out!

Let me know what you think!


  1. this website is great! i need to like....become a fan of it on facebook or something.. :)

  2. So good! I'm so impressed that you created this!
