Tuesday 13 July 2010

Not-so-new things.

Since lots of other people posted recently, here's what's going on in my life: not too much, since moving out to the west coast.

I really like living in California, so far, and love living in the middle of a city, especially since there is great public transit. Produce out here is to die for, so all you ladies who like cooking (everybody, if I remember correctly) should plan a visit immediately. I've started working at Stanford, though it's been quite low key so far. I'm also broke as a joke, since moving across the country and setting up an apartment is expensive (who knew!), so I've been scouring San Francisco and the rest of the area for free/cheap things to do, which means lots of walks and parks and farmers markets.

Also, I just spent about 9 days in rural Alabama, reconnecting with all the primitive Baptists and potato farmers and gay New England hipsters who also attend Sacred Harp singing camp. Which was awesome.

I also just read a pretty great Zadie Smith novel, On Beauty. Not quite as good as White Teeth, but very entertaining and thought-provoking. It's also set mostly in a Massachusetts college town that reminded me so much of Amherst it was crazy. I recommend it to anybody who enjoys making fun of people that go to and work at liberal arts schools (hey, that's us!).

Finally, I leave you all with a song:


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