Monday 5 July 2010

more more more

I was so happy to check on the chap and see your posts! Rachel, I totally support you. I mean, the basic point of my life is to get where I have the time and resources to be zen chill-state all the time. Or something. I'm talking to Carms right now and it seems like we're all nuts busy. I miss you all a lot. I don't really have any close friends here, and what friends I do have I don't get to see so frequently. However, I did go to Osaka and Kyoto this weekend and crashed with some cool people that I met at orientation. Two spunky half asian scientists, a boy and a girl, and a biochemist who works in the same area as me. We sort of just wandered around, saw temples, ate and drank. I have some pictures on a new fb album. The longer I'm here the more excited I am to get home to Boston and Rachel and Romain and all my friends. We're still looking out for a roommate (no one can truly replace Becky and Steve, but still) so let me know if you hear any "hey, i'm moving to boston"s from your friends. Other than that, I'm just chillin in Japan, still. Eating lots of rice and noodles and strange confections. Loving it. Don't even crave chocolate, though I'm still drinking lots of coffee. I think the people at work judge me for it. My lab is funny. It's Hiromi the wonder-woman and about 5 boys who are all kind of skittish (maybe that's because I can crush them with my ankles) but are all really nice and occasionally work up the cahones to try and interact with me in English and that's always really fun and generally confusing. Woo. No real language barrier though, since I've mastered the art of mime. :)
Love you.

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