Wednesday 28 October 2009

Cross Your Fingers Ladies...and Man.

So I returned from a GREAT weekend in Amherst to have an almost equally great interview with the ACLU office in Sioux Falls...the newest and smallest ACLU office in the country. It's actually just one guy and hopefully me! (knock on wood) And now I have a second, in-person interview on Friday, and I'm trying (and failing) to not get too excited...but it sounds like such a perfect, awesome job! Almost like a cross between legal aid and community organizing work. Also the dude who runs it seems to not like SD very much (understandably) so it would totally fulfill my like-hate relationship with SD! Ahhh I need to stop before I psych myself out for this interview. But anyways...cross your fingers for me, I havent been unemployed for this long of period since I was literally 11 years old and it's starting to mess with my head.

In other news, since I have no photographic evidence of the fun that was had this is a picture of me about to carve my first pumpkin. And the other picture is me starting my first ever almost fire in a microwave! This is what tuperware looks like after it stops smoking...notice the hole in the bottom. Life lessons from auntie sam lol. Love!

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