Monday 26 October 2009


I've been off the radar as usual. You're all meeting for homecoming and I won't be there! I'm so sad.  I wish I could be there with you all. Maybe we could orchestrate a skype session? So I can see all your lovely faces? that might be a bit difficult to coordinate, I guess.

In the meantime, will you all do me a favor and watch this beautiful video that I've been hypnotized by for the past quarter of an hour:

It's Pilobolus, a dance company. Incredible. 

Other news: teaching is getting slightly easier. It's crazy what your students tell drama, personal stuff that they just spout out in the middle of class or write in their homework assignments...I'm still figuring out how to deal with that. Then my teens who try to FLIRT with me--come on! I got pretty mad at one kid. Most importantly, I'm starting to find a dance community: I"m doing Angolan dance and this kind of strange "Brazilian Dance mix" class and I have two "company" rehearsals on Saturdays...still not really sure what that means...and, if all works out, I might get to do a sabar class, as well. I'm pulling all the strings I can.

Other than that, it's been so fun living with Nina and Lyncoln, my Brazilian roommates. I hadn't realized how much Portuguese I've been speaking until I had to take a placement test today. My grammar isn't great, but I realize that I can actually hold a conversation in Portuguese now and I understand almost everything. It's a really good feeling. I've started reading in Portuguese, too. ...

ugh, I don't actually want to write this to you guys, I want to TALK to you and SEE you...who's in California over Christmas? Megan, can't you fly your dad's plane? Come out for a while? Bring the Chapman crew along? I wish.

I do get homesick for our Chapman days, the dinners, the crowds in the bathroom, all the late-night hallway conversations and the bike trips to Northampton...oh man, I can't think about it I'll get too sad. Have fun for me at homecoming! I'll be thinking of you!


1 comment:

  1. I'll be in Cali, Hannah! Also, just watched that Pilobolus video...magnificent....
