Sunday 13 December 2009

academia, get out of my life!

The eroticization of the natural is homologous with the engendering of power/knowledge.

write your own academic sentence!

days until the end of academia: 5 !
# of pages standing b/w me and the end of academia (as of yet unwritten): 30 (due in 3 days...)

wine and cheese was a wild success, as was a lovely saturday night Hanukkah gathering at kendahl's with julian and friends. rosie's been sleeping in my bed- always a good time. friday marks the end of my college career...! ! ! until then, i'm hunkering down in smudd for all eternity. bah!

snowily yours, carmzella

p.s. I'm famous!

1 comment:

  1. The reification of post-capitalist hegemony recapitulates the discourse of the gendered body.

    also, every time you refresh this website, it generates a new pretentious essay for you. same kind of awesome:
