Thursday 3 December 2009

I saw my first real snow of the season last night! Whoo! On top of a mountain in southern VT, as I was driving back to the Valley. It would have been much more exciting if I had not been driving, and if it had not been raining.

I also realized that now that the leaves are off of the trees, I can see the mountains near the Notch from my office window, at least until 4:30, when it gets dark.



  1. So jealous about snow and mountain views! My desk is in a hallway so I have no windows... But it's really warm out today, so I'm going to take lots of gratuitous walks around the block.

  2. it is 65 degrees in amherst right now. SIXTY FIVE.

    planet earthhhhh@#8742897)(*#!(*^&*

  3. well it's 20 degrees in SD with snow on the ground everywhere...NO FUN.

  4. It's 37 degrees in AUSTIN TX and it's supposed to snow! WTF!
