Thursday 24 December 2009

just call me julia child (BONNNN APPETIIIT - and joyeux noel!)

hello friends, from billowy and beautiful Miami -
I can't get over the warmth and sunshine of this place. it's quite shocking and wonderful to get a couple extra hours of daylight every evening; I am pleased, to say the least.
besides sun, there is SO MUCH GREEN! i came home and my mom proudly showed me how great my papaya tree was doing in the middle of the garden plot i planted a year and a half ago - needless to say, i never planted a papaya tree but i'm super excited about the delicious fresh fruit every morning! (another fun surprise at home - 3 kittens bouncing roun the house! nina, ninja and canela - cutest cuties i ever did see!)
also, my three little cousin-terrors have moved into my great-aunt's house next door, so i've been taking full advantage of the extra pairs of helpful (?) hands in the kitchen. successful cooking projects thus far: choc chip cookies, rosemary shortbreak cookies, honey whole wheat break, and chocolate mousse! (from my late grandmother's recipe! it's cooling in the fridge at the moment, so dessert time tonight will be the real test of it's success). i also processed and jarred a whole beehive full of honey salvaged from my backyard, whic was ridiculously sticky and fun. next on the list: french baguettes and candles made from the beeswax!!
merry festivities to you and yours! lotsa tropical hugs and kisses, carmella


  1. speaking of julia...austin got me the book from the movie..mastering the art of french cooking! i think it's going to be fun to try out some of these recipes since julia and i share the same life philosophy and can never have too much butter!! can't wait to see you!
