Saturday 15 August 2009

hey babies!

i have been terribly negligent of the blog in recent weeks... but this isn't to say that i haven't been truly bursting with feelings of chapman love this month. i have gotten to see more of all of you than i ever imagined when walking away from chapman sobbing, though of course there are some gaping holes in that generalization that look suspiciously like hannah, becky, cait and jess. i miss you four!

i had a wonderful wonderful time in amherst on wednesday with carmella, friend from home charlotte, sam (!!), and rachel... and a highlight included tromping from carmella's through the woods in the dark to puffer's, where rachel and i proceeded to skinny dip, but then had no towels... so getting back into our clothes without filling them with dirt clung to wet skin was challenging. we succeeded! well, half. rachel walked home with no pants. :)

destry bean -- i know what you mean about how the fight over health care is revealing the hideous state of our democracy, and really, how shitty republicans are! it's sad, because one of the things i loved most about obama taking office was just how committed he was/is to ending bipartisan bullshit in this country, but now i just feel like republicans are bullshit. please someone... enlighten me?

on a lighter note, milo arrives on tuesday! i am really happy about this. i've been telling him all about seeing the chapman brood, and he says hi to everyone. :) and speaking of milo, he has JUST made himself a myspace page, as he has been making songs... he most recently made a baltimore house style song, and thinks its something dave nada might play at a party. woot! unfortunately my lame-o boyfriend won't let me listen to it until he's here, so he told me about his page, and then said i can't play the song! so stupid! however, you can all listen if you so desire. ha! it's: his other two songs he made this spring/early summer are there too. enjoy!

love you all,
megan / house job fairy (it was really ME all the long!)

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