Sunday 23 August 2009

hobo bobo

I purposefully shirked my saturday blogging duty in order to have more to say now! I'm sitting in Rachel's spacious kitchen, banana-walnut-blueberry-chocolate chip bread in the oven, having just come home from sitting in a river in Montague.
This part of the river was down a path fringed with wildflowers. We waded in the river for a ways before deciding to lose our sundresses and dump our bodies in the foot or so of bubbling water. Shortly thereafter, it started monsoon-ing, so we got to watch enormous water droplets bombarding the river, with our bodies safely submerged, out of the reach of mosquitoes and rain.

Earlier today we went to Rao's and I had my usual, mocha and a raspberry oat muffin. We ran into Romain and studied/read with him and also made friends with a friendly glass-blower dude who works at the Gypsy Dog Gallery (which seems to be new-ish).

Yesterday, as Rachel said, was full of wide vistas and swimming holes, avocado-tomato-blueberry-plum-tortilla chip picnics, and some chilling out at the Moan and Dove with the likes of Scott and Sara, Jordan and Chris.
Some things I've learned this weekend:
There's nothing like Western Mass.
There are two kinds of glass blowing techniques.
Bo-bo stands for Bohemian Bourgeois (or possibly the other way around).
The world viewed from water level is divine and silencing.


  1. i love that last sentence. way to make me miss mass even tho i've been away like half an hour. what the eff? it sucks that we cant be in 2 places at once.. portland + western mass = greatest place in the universe! MISS YOU and LOVE YOU MADLY

  2. Did you learn Bo-Bo from Romain? That was one of the last Frenchie expressions I learned in Paris!

    Also, I'm pretty sure that, after leaving Amherst last week, I also said to myself that there's no place like Western Mass. So true.
