Friday 14 August 2009

tired of ticos?

Ah friends, I miss you all! I wish I could have gone to Megan´s to see all of you lovely lots of veggies for me (I´ve gone from the fresh corn and beets routine that Carms and I were kickin at the beginning of summer to chicken empanadas pizza...what I wouldn´t do for a head of lettuce...)
Well, never thought I´d say it, but it has been a long 3 weeks. This past week especially-- I´ve been with José in the university, kind of bumming around outside, walking around, attempting to read, and putzing around on the stretches of wireless I can find on the´s ok, but the truth is its boring having nothing to do, no matter who you´re with. But the previous couple weeks were amazing-- suprisingly, in the time my family came to Santa Cruz not one disaster suceeded. Just little bloopers here and there (the three Spanish words my father managed to master at the end of the week were gracias, hola, and pinguino, which he decided to start calling everyone he met). The 5 of us went to the beach for a week, which was amazing.
I´m still debating every day about where to study in spring semster...part of me thinks coming to Costa Rica to study is not right, the other side says yes...I´ll just ride it out and see where I end up in October when I´ve got to decided.
Love to all you munchies.

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