Saturday 29 August 2009

I'm still really impressed that Selena got that song link on does that work?

Oy oy oy. Just got off the late late bus from Cambridge only to come home to a beeping fire alarm, which I then had to rip off the wall, standing precariously on a chair and a can of Swiss Miss. All better now.

Highlights of my week (find exciting in the mundane!):
Tuesday- Go to Concord to hike around and look for ferns. Stop for delicious ice cream. See some cool lookin' bugs. Wander in a field of wildflowers. And yet, without my girls, lacks a certain magic.
Thursday- Meeting with advisor. Survive...only slightly embarrassed at my inability to identify trees.
Friday- Orientation. Meet a couple other grad students and go to the BU gym for the first time. I take the single worst ID picture in the history of ID pictures. Like an idiot I take off my glasses to look cute. So then when the photographer tells me to "look at the red arrow" I can't see jack shit, so my picture comes out with my eyes wandering around the frame, glazed and unfocused, like a SLOW CHILD (eh, rach?).
Head out to Porter Square in the evening to meet up with Rachel and Romain, who have come to pick up Carmella. We hang out outside of a CVS on a picnic table, where we eat cake and ice cream in the rain.
Saturday- Tropical Storm Danny brings completely unimpressive amounts of rainfall. I juggle two parties in Cambridge, a grad student party with delicious cupcakes and Sarah Z, Anna Mullen, Sam Grausz's birthday party! Quite a lot of Amherst going on there, many familiar faces. I was so surprised to realize that so many people I know are in this lovely city...and in lovely apartments as well. Ahh, to have a salary!

That's about all. Classes start next week! Eep.

1 comment:

  1. hahahah i LOLed so hard about your ID photo. can't wait to se eit. sounds beautiful :)
