Thursday 30 July 2009

Early posting for once!

Hi friends. I'm not going to be able to post tomorrow, so here it is today. Plus it's already Friday somewhere... in Bangladesh, for example.

Monty and I are heading to Normandy this weekend to see the D-Day Beaches, and then back to the States on Tuesday. Wooow, as Rachel might say. I will go straight home, but will likely be restless soon. Let me know what you all have planned for the month of August? I want to see youuu. About to run out of internet time. Looove.

Tuesday 28 July 2009

summer stories

Monday 27 July 2009

bored !

bored at work and flipping through my pipeline notes - we had a poetry training and i wrote a poem about chapman

here goes

peeling white paint
off the sides
of my old slanted house.
great flat roofs to climb on
clambering through windows
with dishes
for dinner
sunlight filtered through leaves
flecked on our faces
as we pass around the pasta
merry and content
on our roof top perch

ta da !

i'm so antsy right now !! love love

Sunday 26 July 2009

After spending a week in the midwest collecting water and gas samples (in southern Indiana and western Kentucky), I have never been happier to return to New England. But the whiskey out there is certainly better.

I'm fighting through computer crashes to try to get a lot more of my pictures (recent and older) onto my Flickr account, so whenever that's up I'll post some here and give links and whatnot, because that's probably the best way to see what's going on in my life recently.

For now, a quick story: for the last few weeks I've been reading East of Eden (which I just finished in the van while in Indiana), and was reading the same copy that Destry had gotten out of the library and brought to Florida. When I first opened it a few weeks ago, a few pictures fell out, which turned out to be a picture of Destry and Monty, and a picture of a bunch of the Chapman ladies (Destry, Megan, Carmella, Sarah Z., Selena), which Destry had accidentally left in the book when she returned it. So, they've been my bookmark for the last few weeks, and every time I would pull out the book to read in the van or hotel room, I would have flashbacks and think "awww....Chapman!" So thanks to Destry for being forgetful.
hi darlings, sitting outside the bookmill (you know, up on that ramp, little tables that overlook the water) slightly apprehensive, wondering when this good life i've been leading will halt or falter.. ? hopefully soon.. i'll shut myself in my room, turn off my cell phone, make a pot of coffee, and .. write my thesis.

til then tho, the party goes on. every night there appears some new reason to gather together, cook up veg (vedge), and imbibe wine and beer. every day a new place to ramble round walking.

carmella and i appreciating the valley for all its greenery, stormy skies, water holes, for the beautiful people that reside here, the feelings they stir up inside us..

not much else to say, cept this seems ominously like the raucous '20s before the great depression.. this much fun is unsustainable ? we'll see. feeling particularly gloomy after a long conversation w romain c. (my bookmill buddy) about healthcare, the rich and the poor, in the u.s. there we go.

like destry, will be re-radicalized and politically-activated again soon..

sending all my love, rach.

Friday 24 July 2009

weekend in new york

This week has included some free modern art at the ICA which has a beautiful view of the harbor and free latin jazz concerts.
The featured exhibit was Shepard Fairey - the guy who did the 'Andre the Giant has a posse' stickers and a lot of other art that looks like ironic man. The medium IS the message.

I also went to my first modern dance class in ages at Green Street Studios in Cambridge, which was fun, though I'm still in the market for a really good weekly.

Have found a ton of entertainingly useless websites on, the most recent of which has been a food blog that is almost pornographically delicious-looking.
I also made this cake in a mug. Actually works!

Heading off to NYC tomorrow to visit Jenny and my good good friend from home who is moving to Germany. Have to wake up super super early tomorrow so that's it for me. Love to all.

Rainy Friday

It's my post day, but without much here to report. It's been quite rainy, so I haven't gotten to walk around as much as I'd like. Not feeling like getting soppy this afternoon. We have a cocktail party to go to this evening... a little strange or silly that that's what we're doing, but there it is. A friend of a friend of a friend of a friend (the last friend is Pan V. of Amherst; the second to last is his buddy Aaron from Brown) is throwing a birthday party at her Parisian boyfriend's apartment. She's turning 21; he's in his 30s. The question is what to wear... The object is to get the (relatively wealthy) older boyfriend to take us all out to schmancy Paris dinner afterwards...

Tour de France comes through the city this Sunday. Very exciting.
Have finished the Paris history and now am on to The Hunchback of Notre Dame. So far pretty boring.
Thinking about you guys.

Thursday 23 July 2009

laguna, lisboa


It's so nice to read all of your blogs. I'm such a bad blogger, but I love reading about you guy/ladies! Destry--I'll try to track down that book. I've been reading whole books, and parts of books, and book-backs and it's so nice just to pick and choose and read 5 things at the same time.

so, updates on life:

  • I have a knee injury, which is now turning into something having to do with my makes me think of you, Megan! The good part is that I get to go to this great physical therapy place, where they fix my whole body twice a week. A lot of fixing. Hopefully, I'll be able to run and dance again by the end of the summer...

  • I've been going to the beach a lot. Beautiful California beaches! See the pics. It's also been absurdly hot, 95-105 every day. So Sophie and Ariel and I spend a lot of time lying around and moaning about the heat...see the pics.

  • My Portugal plans are getting more and more solid, it's so exciting. I've been looking around for apartments online, and I think I'll be able to find a good fit, with other Portuguese or Erasmus students. Martin Aguilera will also be there on his Fulbright--which (Destry, Jules)--just seems kind of funny: I'll be starting off after college with someone who was one of my first (Waldorf) friends in college. Life goes in funny circles sometimes. Also, it turns out I know the director of a theater company there, so that's one more friend in Lisbon, plus hopefully I'll be able to meet people in that community.

  • I've also been doing some English teaching at a local Day Laborer's Center, which has been really fun. The guys there have such tough stories: wandering through the desert, getting left for days in little "ranchitos"'s a pretty humbling experience to talk to them. It's also interesting to realize that many of them have lived in the US for years and have gotten by perfectly well without speaking any English. I had always sort of known that there's this whole Spanish-speaking world in California, but I never really knew how to find it. So now, I've started to explore Pomona, the city where the Center is, and it's so fascinating. It's full of botanicas (the stores for santeria), cheap restaurants with the best Mexican food, carnicerias, pastelerias, and the like. Really, no need to travel to Mexico if you live in LA!

Other than that, I don't have much to report on. Has anyone started to plan our reunion yet? Selena? ; )

Big hugs,


PS: Megan and Rose, I keep forgetting to ask you two! Can either of you somehow get me a copy of Rose's thesis? I realized when I got home that in the stress of the last two weeks, I didn't burn it. So stupid of me. Maybe you can post it somewhere and I can download it? Let me know! Sorry to be so dumb...

silly from the heat...


at Laguna

ready or not

hey friends. sorry to have been out of blogging commission. but it is only a sign that life has been amazing here that my virtual existence has been minimal. what else can i say except that so far this summer has been impeccable. hiking around, biking for ice cream, exploring the farm country that IS amherst, ma. (this is the most incredible thing i have discovered living off campus), cookouts and cookins with awesome friends, fresh veggies in the garden, frequent visits with my family, snuggling with carmsy, learning italian-- i'd say all of my essentials are being exceedingly met here. the only missing piece is jose, his family, and the rest of my family down in costa rica-- but everything has fallen into place and TOMORROW (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) i am going back. yes, with my whole 6 ft and over family (ok minus my mom but still.) and lets talk about an overwhelming first moment. there is an entire BUS of people coming to pick us up from the airport. this will be the first time i've seen jose in almost 3 months. wow. good thing i have a super cute dress to wear ( i will post a picture of it sometime later).
anyway, i will send some love down from costa when i get a chance.
until then, hasta luegito y abrazos for everyone!!

Tuesday 21 July 2009

summer snapshot !


I just saw 500 Days of Summer and really loved it! Everyone I've talked to about it has a different interpretation of the ending too, so if you see it, let me know what you think...

In other news, only 10 days of summer until I see some of y'all!


Like these few before me, I should probably start with an apology. Sorry for the negligence. My limited blogging is no indication of missing or thinking of you less. The opposite is the case. And I do appreciate Selena for getting on our cases! But I have become less dedicated to internet cafe-going as the Euro has eaten away my monies and I have taken to guarding each cent with extreme care.

Anyway, so goes the unemployed wanderlusting life. But all is still quite lovely and moderately boring -- in the good way, of course -- in Paris. These are some things that my summer days have been filled with:

- pastries, first and foremost (first and foremost every morning too): Monty and I thought we had tried every bakery in the neighborhood and settled on a favorite, only to discover another host of them around a different corner. So the quest for the best baguette continues.
- concerts: lots of music. Jazz in the park. Some random indie band that was much talked up and good in the end. I skipped the Paris Animal Collective show -- once again, lack of Euros -- but all the boys said it was good. More about the boys below.
- museums: oh my god, so many museums. They seem to be a good way to learn stuff outside of college. The Louvre, Musee d'Orsay, Versailles, Musee de Picasso, Musee de Rodin (my favorite, I looooove Rodin), etc. Still on the list is the poorly-named Musee de l'Homme, Paris's site of ethnography, which some of you I know would appreciate; another trip to Orsay because I only made it through the first floor; the Monet museum, which I'm only moderately excited about; and maybe others.
- books: lots of books too. Right now I'm reading a history of Paris, which tracks the city from c. 1000 to the present day. It's so good and so nerdy! It means that I am constantly spewing out relevant recently-learned trivia while walking down the street. (Eg. Did you know the Tuileries Gardens were named after the tile workshops that surrounded the palace that was there placed in the 16th century? Did you know that King Henry IV was hated by counter-Reformist Parisian Catholics because he lived a flamboyantly bisexual lifestyle? Did you know that there was a massacre of Algerian activists in Paris in 1961 that was formally covered up and went unrecognized as part of France's official history until the 1990s?) I'm not sure my travel companions are as appreciative of my facts, but I am pleased. While here I've also read China Men by Something Kingston; Before Night Falls, the memoir of Cuban poet-activist Reinaldo Arenes, which Hannah, you should read; Kafka on the Shore, which, Selena, I found very frustrating and want to talk to you about because I know you like his work; Howard's End -- random British classic; Me Talk Pretty One Day, which had me laughing hysterically out loud; and Rue des Mamours -- French novel, literally called 'Street of Caresses', all about the sexual exploits of adults in a Parisian neighborhood from the perspective of a nine-year-old boy. I learned a lot of new vocab with the last.
- boys: Monty and I have made (non-French) friends in Paris, or met up with old friends, exclusively male. Just worked out this way. I have often found myself hanging out with a group of three or four guys. This is fine, but definitely has me missing some women time. I am sure I will get it when I get back. For now, lots of boy humor (no offense, Julian).
- cooking: Yum, and cost effective.
- gardens: We are going to Jardin des Plantes after this internet bout.
- frisbee: I am getting pretty good -- Monty's obvious influence.
- French: The point of being here, I suppose.
- lots of wondering/mental wandering about what's next, but without worry. Ooh alliteration.

All luxurious, but I am nicely guilt-free. Community engagement, activism and the like will return as big parts of my life when I get back.

There are other things but I am antsy to get out of here. Talk soooooooooooon.

Sunday 19 July 2009

first off, sorry about not posting. i really and truly love you all. and think about you all the time. :) but these past two weeks have been insane.

so insane that i can't even remember what all i've done. but i've done a lot.

my wonderful new housemates and i have been going out a lot, gatherings with carmella and friends. last weekend i drove down to the jersey shore to see my fam - a bit disappointing - both my dad and brother were acting the strange/deranged drunks. but i picked up the lovely michelle, our family friend from peru, who's been staying with me in amherst since (heading back to philly on tues.) i've been showing her a good time - literally parties every night of the week. highlights: arroz con pollo plus sangria dinner with a big group of umass grad students, tuesday night iron horse for salsa and reggaeton-aso ! big drunken bonfire in the woods on friday.

i've been feeling slightly off tho, sharing my space w someone quiet and unfamiliar (but loveable!), working hard and stressful morning hours, and then partying every evening. not sleeping much at all. i guess i kinda crashed yesterday - feeling out of body and out of mind. i wonder if my lack of chaps posting has meant less groundedness.

planning out my month of august. expecting to see all y'all before summer ends, least once (cept maybe hannah?). selena, you're staying w me in aug. will call soon.

love love love passionately, rach

Saturday 18 July 2009

Sorry for sucking so bad at this blogging thing. I'll try to be better in the future. It's just that sometimes when things aren't going so great I don't want to write a sad or angry post, and I don't want to write a fake one, so I just write nothing, you know?

Anyway, so I am two weeks into my job as a summer camp counselor to the children of incarcerated parents. They are fucking crazy!!! Like you cannot imagine how they refuse to follow instructions, and how they fight with each other constantly. I mean like fist fights.
This is an outline of your typical Children of Promise fight.

Walking in line to the park, Kaleek accidentally steps on Jelani's foot.

Jelani: You stepped on my foot! Watch where you goin stupid!
Kaleek: Who you callin stupid, fat boy?!
Jelani: Say that again and I'll punch you right in your teeth, I swear to God!
Kaleek: I ain't scared of you fat boy!

Jelani pushes Kaleek. Kaleek punches Jelani. I run over and physically seperate the two boys
who are still saying "that's why you ugly!" "just like your mother!" etc.
Then I, with the help of another counselor must somehow calm these boys down, tell them why hitting's not okay, threaten them with the prospect of not being allowed to go on the next field trip if they don't behave and getting them back in line so we can go the park.

This happens about once an hour.

These are the kids that get kicked out of the other summer camps. These kids have seen and experienced a lot of violence and trauma in their lives. They're angry. Most of them are sweet kids, but they have raging tempers. Like half the kids are pretty normal, but the carzy ones can bring out the crazy in anyone, including the counselors. This job is more stressful than anything I've ever experienced, even Amherst.

But there are the sweet moments, the hugs, the I love you Miss Rebeccas, the times they actually talk about their feelings istead of lashing out, the times they laugh, cry, play like normal children, sing, dance and act silly.Those moments are great although they are few and far between.

But I feel like this job is teaching me so much, that we are all prodcuts of our upbringing and so it makes no sense to judge. The "bad" people out there are just fucked up kids who never got any help. Most of us "good" people are just lucky people who were taught to be the way we are.
It's teaching me patience and self control and compassion, so expect to see an even more awesome me in the future! Also please read The Power of NOW by Eckhart Tolle. Please. Even if most of it sounds like new age bullshit to you, I promise you'll find something in it to be beautiful and true. You'll benefit from it somehow.

Yeah I think that's about all that's been going on with me. I love you guys and I miss you too.

Working on a new project...trying to design an experiment! Check out the site:

Maybe going to an arts festival today or tomorrow. Riding the T to aimless ends of town to see what's there. In search of Syrian bread.

Harry Potter was meh. Just didn't satisfy my inner child. And the romance bits were SO TERRIBLE. Like Star Wars Episode III terrible.

Me and Chris might go to NYC next weekend. A friend of mine from home (now Germany) is visiting there who I want to see before she ships across the Atlantic. Anyone want to meet up in the city? Let me know!

Until I see you again, happy weekends all!

Tuesday 14 July 2009

Hey Babes!

I finished a table! Rosie -- JUST saw your post about Chris Elam at CA (that's my high school BTW) and, I really would love love love to come, but too much moving around lately! I was in DC over the weekend and just got back last night, and that was right after Amherst and Concord last week... so I am laying low for a couple of days. Then Vermont with brother and kiddies Fri-Sun and then Montreal from Sun-Sun (pregnant cousin has a too ready cervix and has to lie down forever so she needs my help) and then home.

Anyways, I saw DAVE NADA in DC! So fun. He is awesome. (I used to play his mixes at our chapman parties)

Anyways, onto the table. I am sleepy sleepy. I found it for free on the side of the road and...

Rusty table before:

Less rusty table during:

Yellow pretty table after!

I misses all of yous.

question of the week!

what's YOUR spirit animal?!?

this is cait's -

(it's a sugar glider, similar to a flying squirrel, only cooler.)

love yous!

I have a job

so just now, I accepted a job in Austin, TX (you all should come and visit!). So, I'll be studying disaster relief on a state level, how legislation works to help a state prepare, respond to, and recover from a disaster. I'd be specifically working with religious communities, and translating that knowledge to them. When I didn't have a job, however, I was talking to Jeff Hall who's an Amherst alum and runs a program in Sierra Leone. I called him to tell him about this other job and he suggested that I would have a really good shot at a new position he's opening up in Minneapolis. I would be almost running his Sierra Leone program from Minneapolis, working closely with Jeff and the executive director, "very entrepreneurial", Jeff says. Anyway, I have been going back and forth, but decided on the Austin job. I hope I made the right decision...

On the other hand, before the job starts, I'll be in Boston July 30th to August 3rd, New York August 3rd - 16th, Amherst 16th - 20th (or so). Let me know who'll be where!

Just to let you know...

...I do plan on posting one of these days. Here are my excuses: (1) I was in the rural south for about two weeks and hardly had internet access (or phone service. it was fun.) and (2) I've been waiting because I want to put up some pictures from the trip, because that would be more exciting than me just rambling on about the goings-on in my life. So...stay tuned.

Here are a few bullet points to sum up the last few weeks, when I failed to post:
-Sacred Harp camp in Alabama + singings surrounding it were awesome.
-I somehow didn't lose my voice even after singing every day for almost two weeks.
-I went skinnydipping in a spring in Virginia about 10 feet from where the water came out of the ground. The stars and fireflies were beautiful, and reminded me of similar nighttime dips in Florida. The water was about 40 degrees colder than in Florida.
-I'm trying to fill out all the adequate paperwork to get hired through UMass for the year, so I can get onto an actual salary instead of hourly nonsense, and so I can get my own health insurance.
-I have loads of field work lined up for the rest of the summer, which is exciting but makes life quite hectic.

Hopefully pictures to come soon! Then maybe I'll post on a Sunday again...


Monday 13 July 2009

plans for next year

Hey Kiddos. I have big things in the works. I'll post in detail tomorrow.

Sunday 12 July 2009

energies a flight in the montague delight

i don't have too much to write. but i love living with carmella, even though from the second we wake up she wants to walk 348974 miles. yesterday we walked probably 17 miles throughout the whole day--a nice morning walk to the farmers marker (normal)..then a four-ish hour hike during the day, which was also nice, but i was about ready to take it eaasy in the afternoon. but then we wanted ice cream. and the only way we were getting it was walking. so there went another 2 hours. ayayay, but it is fun, and our housemates are amazing. i am counting down the days to costa rica again (faltan 12!!) fam is going too (i think most of you knew that??) so everyone is super excited. my parents came up to amherst today and we spent the whole day biking around farm country, all the way over to flavors and back. i am a sleepy fish and going to bed now. i hope your hearts are all happy happy.

Newbury Comics on Newbury Street!

Since my last post I haven't done much work at work. Mostly some data entry and walking around a really swankified neighborhood called Back Bay looking at trees with a fellow student who is working in the lab for the summer. She's actually heading off to Science Po in Paris for the fall, beginning grad school in International Relations and is frantically looking for a place to live (Destry and Monty, any suggestions?).
Life has fallen into a very adult groove. We cook (not really), go to sleep early, do a little cafe sitting, a lot of reading in the living room, saw 'Away We Go' yesterday which was a little cheesy but fun. I notice that Dave Eggers really likes casual swearing, making him my kind of guy. You hardly even notice it, but he just has everyone fuckin throwing in little fuckin swears like fuck-all whatever.
On the roster:
SUNDAY (today) - visit Arnold Arboretum (because I'm actually super into plants now)
TUES/WED - midnight harry potter in Providence with RI buddies
THURSDAY - seeing a modern dance show (Chris Elam) at Concord Academy (MEGGY??? WANNA COME/ CARMS RACH, whoever is in the area??)

nothing further to note.

Wednesday 8 July 2009


Hi Friends,

I am going Amherst-ward today, first to take class with Donna my idol, and then to have delicious dinner with Rachel, Carms, and Cait and others.... mmmm....

Anyways, I have made some shit! A lot of shit still to come... this is just the beginning.

Little tables that were suitcase stands (my grandma has random stuff in the attic) with old window pane tops:

And: A lamp!

Uglyish lamp before.

Happy Lamp After!

Nothing else to say really... except that I miss you all and am sending you kisses!

Tuesday 7 July 2009

do you like piña coladas?

or getting caught in the rain?

hello, from the sweet and dry Frost library of amherst college! it is here that i have taken safe harbor from the summer storm raging outside that crept up on me and my bike as we headed homeward after work at hampshire. oh summer, sweet summer. I cannot express to you all how right it feels to be back here, after a hectic but beautiful month of traveling and visiting dear loves. so far, i have reunited with rachel, cait, marni sandweiss (she was on my plane! we sat next to each other and then she gave me a ride back to amherst.), and of course, these luscious hills. my quads are feeling it already. geeeez. but it feels good! that about sums up my life at this moment.

otherwise, i have a sappy story to tell you guys from a few weeks ago. I was on the boat in Athens, things were getting hectic and stressful, as they often do when there's a million dollar toy involved. anyway, after a particularly stressful evening, i was laying in bed trying to calm my nerves and let sleep overtake me, but a wave of tears took over instead. as i surrendered to this random wave of sadness, i realized that in all the times i have cried in recent memory, one of you has been there. whether it was on the phone, in another country, or when you should have been in class- i have always had a shoulder, a few soothing words, even just the steady silence of reassurance and solidarity. and here i was, in the bottom of a boat, curled up in a ball, with visions of your pretty faces dancing in my head, and i thought with a smile - it's true! you never can escape the womb of love.

Monday 6 July 2009

Happy Fourth!

I hope everyone had a good 4th of July! I went to my friend's lake house where there was waterskiing, tubing, boating, and Patrón tequila. It was a lot of fun and felt unrealistically cheery considering my gloomy job prospects and shitty part-time job, but I guess that's what lake houses are for?

Here's an old video from the days:


Hi Friends,

Sorry about that last post. I wrote the title and then realized I had 5 seconds left of internet time at this silly cafe and no actual opportunity to update you on real life. Anyway, Monty and I have made it to Paris and moved into our apartment, which is just the right size. We have mostly been wandering around the city, which, of course, is exactly what we intended to do all summer anyway, so it's just about perfect. Plus my French is getting better. (My favorite French phrase that I've learned is "Quelle salade!", which means "What a crock of shit!", or, literally "What a salad!" I'm told by a French friend that this is extremely outdated. Hilarious nonetheless.) We've also seen a lot of Graham McKee, who's hanging out here for the month.

I have to say that right now I have an all-around satisfied feeling about life. Maybe Paris does that to you in the summertime. I'm sure low-level euphoria is the product of vast amounts of bread, wine, and Vermeer intake. The only complaint, and this is Monty's too, is friends-missing. Graham is a small but unsatisfactory taste of Amherst.

My quest for today is to figure out the free-bikes system in Paris. We were sent on a scavenger hunt on Saturday trying to figure out how to enroll, until someone blankly told us to give up because it was the weekend, bien sur. So today is the bicycle day.

I am also weakly trying to figure out a job come-September while I'm here. I think I'm making progress. Will let you know.

More soon. Hearts.

Friday 3 July 2009

chili in a bread bowl

Boston MA- Rose Abramoff landed early this week in Allston, the dirty hippie neighborhood near BU. Her apartment is pretty cool, though her room is not super big, the walls are blue and most of her stuff fits in it.

Have been working for a couple of days. Today me, my advisor, and the other two grad students went out to Concord to take water temperature samples. We had to hike through the backwoods, bogs, swamps, and goo. But it was the first sunny day in a while here and so was pretty enjoyable. We took a break with some delicious ice cream from a local joint in Concord.

Don't have too many 4th of July plans; we'll probably watch the fireworks over the river and listen to the boston pops. I ran into Steve Grigelevich in front of the Boston Public Library, and I think Becky might be here today (BECKY?? ARE YOU HERE??) And also some friends from home are coming up from RI to hang out with me tomorrow. Yayzers. At the moment, I'm sitting in a local cafe run by this sweet Syrian guy who makes a tasty iced mocha with delicious chocolate goo puddled in the bottom. Chris is buying groceries. We've been having a little bad luck trying to cook things, mostly the fault of spice-abuse and oven-neglect, but maybe tonight things will take a turn for the tasty.

I would post pictures, but my camera ran out of batteries today and I also haven't really taken many pictures in general (damn you, carmella!) but I will try.
ALSO MEGAN AND RACHEL...I want to go to Jacob's Pillow. I am thinking maybe whatever weekend Gallim Dance is playing? (they look interesting) or whenever. The only issue is that the commuter rail only goes as far as worcester. maybe we can get a zipcar because also I left my bike with carms and cait (SORRY CAIT, I just couldn't fit that ho in the car, I will come for it asap). but we can talk about this not in a blog post...heh. love to all and hope all is well, interesting, not too soggy.

Made it to Paris!

Hi Dears,

I'm late! as usual... but who isn't? I don't have too much to say in the way of a life update... but LOVED seeing rachel bug, and i got to talk to selena bug yesterday, and was going to call her last night but got too sleepy. i am, as of this week, taking a break from drinking, so i drove my parents home from dinner at the house of sort of new friends for my parents after they had all downed their gin and tonics and then a large quantity of wine. :)

i am still plugging away at many projects, and will HOPEFULLY have something to show soon... everything is in sort of mid-project, so perhaps lots of things will be ready all at once. :)

SO: the meat of my post is... watching the ever-fabulous donna mejia (she's teaching every thursday morning at jacob's pillow, btw! rachel, let's chat about next week and seeing something too? anyone else?), in this incredible improv she did in i think february:


Thursday 2 July 2009

hi beautifuls

i think wednesday's the wrong day for me. i think i'm more of a thursday girl. wednesday's too much in the middle of the week. too frazzled. i've been really frazzled this week! pipeline's a mess. not organized up to my standards.. stressful.

anyways, riding off the good wave of last weekend. saw our smiling megan harlow! highlights include long city walks with meg and peruvian friend michelle, a concert in a subway car, big gay parties and parades!, and.. falling in love. it seems stupid to write it now because it's so over. but i swear it happened. or did it? now i want to know what love is

any ideas ?