Sunday 26 July 2009

hi darlings, sitting outside the bookmill (you know, up on that ramp, little tables that overlook the water) slightly apprehensive, wondering when this good life i've been leading will halt or falter.. ? hopefully soon.. i'll shut myself in my room, turn off my cell phone, make a pot of coffee, and .. write my thesis.

til then tho, the party goes on. every night there appears some new reason to gather together, cook up veg (vedge), and imbibe wine and beer. every day a new place to ramble round walking.

carmella and i appreciating the valley for all its greenery, stormy skies, water holes, for the beautiful people that reside here, the feelings they stir up inside us..

not much else to say, cept this seems ominously like the raucous '20s before the great depression.. this much fun is unsustainable ? we'll see. feeling particularly gloomy after a long conversation w romain c. (my bookmill buddy) about healthcare, the rich and the poor, in the u.s. there we go.

like destry, will be re-radicalized and politically-activated again soon..

sending all my love, rach.

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