Sunday 26 July 2009

After spending a week in the midwest collecting water and gas samples (in southern Indiana and western Kentucky), I have never been happier to return to New England. But the whiskey out there is certainly better.

I'm fighting through computer crashes to try to get a lot more of my pictures (recent and older) onto my Flickr account, so whenever that's up I'll post some here and give links and whatnot, because that's probably the best way to see what's going on in my life recently.

For now, a quick story: for the last few weeks I've been reading East of Eden (which I just finished in the van while in Indiana), and was reading the same copy that Destry had gotten out of the library and brought to Florida. When I first opened it a few weeks ago, a few pictures fell out, which turned out to be a picture of Destry and Monty, and a picture of a bunch of the Chapman ladies (Destry, Megan, Carmella, Sarah Z., Selena), which Destry had accidentally left in the book when she returned it. So, they've been my bookmark for the last few weeks, and every time I would pull out the book to read in the van or hotel room, I would have flashbacks and think "awww....Chapman!" So thanks to Destry for being forgetful.

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