Tuesday 7 July 2009

do you like piña coladas?

or getting caught in the rain?

hello, from the sweet and dry Frost library of amherst college! it is here that i have taken safe harbor from the summer storm raging outside that crept up on me and my bike as we headed homeward after work at hampshire. oh summer, sweet summer. I cannot express to you all how right it feels to be back here, after a hectic but beautiful month of traveling and visiting dear loves. so far, i have reunited with rachel, cait, marni sandweiss (she was on my plane! we sat next to each other and then she gave me a ride back to amherst.), and of course, these luscious hills. my quads are feeling it already. geeeez. but it feels good! that about sums up my life at this moment.

otherwise, i have a sappy story to tell you guys from a few weeks ago. I was on the boat in Athens, things were getting hectic and stressful, as they often do when there's a million dollar toy involved. anyway, after a particularly stressful evening, i was laying in bed trying to calm my nerves and let sleep overtake me, but a wave of tears took over instead. as i surrendered to this random wave of sadness, i realized that in all the times i have cried in recent memory, one of you has been there. whether it was on the phone, in another country, or when you should have been in class- i have always had a shoulder, a few soothing words, even just the steady silence of reassurance and solidarity. and here i was, in the bottom of a boat, curled up in a ball, with visions of your pretty faces dancing in my head, and i thought with a smile - it's true! you never can escape the womb of love.

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