Wednesday 30 September 2009

CHAKRA! what a great word!

hey ladies, check out this Chakra test and find out what's really going on with you.
my heart and throat chakras are over-active, something to work on for the future...

otherwise, i'm still loving my jessjoy original mural (sometimes I just sit and stare at it...!) and my sustainable agriculture class. yesterday afternoon, i spent 4 hours on a CSA farm in a GORGEOUS little valley in Conway, MA (Sosososo beautiful, with a river running through the land and a great suspension bridge!) and it's ALL HORSE-POWERED! isn't that so awesome?? no fossil fuels at all! too bad the farmer imports TONS of exotic minerals for his soil that get mined from all over the place. :(
also, I think I'm going to take a little class on medicinal plants in Noho with a kid from my class which is uber exciting! i love me some herbs!! aaaaaand, my momma is coming up for a visit in week - wish me luck! hahah (sometimes 2 people ar so alike it's scary... possible yelling may occur.)
hope everyone is enjoying these last remnants of late summer and those first fall breezes- i know i am!!
all my love, carma (? haha it just came out that way, and i kinda like it. it fits the whole chakra hindu theme i've been trying out in my life lately... hehe)

1 comment:

  1. my root is my strongest, maybe is because we center it in dance all the time (be in your body..)
    yesterday we learned about mineral cycles and how important they are for happy plants; there is a theory that says that plants will keep growing until they are limited by one nutrient, so if you keep giving them minerals...but limitation is natural.
    make sure this dude isn't letting his fertilizers leach into nearby freshwater! :)
    also, went to an AWESOME drum and dance thing in cambridge last night. wonderful people, good dance, big blisters...:)
