Thursday 17 September 2009

singing the poison ivy blues

Hello friends, my life feels a bit ragged and crazy at the moment. I blame it on the fact that I recently lost the jade necklace of Selena's that I used to wear all the time - sadness. Also, I have a crazy case of poison ivy and that's pretty annoying. But, yesterday I went for a lovely walk with Julian through the woods to a hidden swimming spot (!!) and that was pretty awesome. Maybe it'll heat up again sometime soon and we can have one last swim? Fingers crossed. (for the folks who aren't in new england, fall is catching up to us here, and fast. I don't want to believe that summer's over!)

Otherwise, WATSON. whoa. Haven't even started writing (and it's due monday! ah!) but my head is bursting with A PLAN. The countries on my list are (at the moment): Scotland, Namibia, South Africa, and Brazil. I'll keep y'alls updated.

oh! I went to see the Cirque du Soleil tonight! It was incredible- Rosie, I wish I could have seen it with you to hear your thoughts on it all!

this man's muscles were ridiculous.
Anyway, I love you all. Good night!

ps did I mention poison ivy sucks?

1 comment:

  1. this is probably a terrible time to tell you...that i was watching this thing the other day about agrotourismos in italy..and it made me think of you and a possible watson stop? i remember visiting one when i was abroad and they are sooo cool! little farms that support themselves by a)growing/keeping everything that they eat even their own wine and olive oil and b) hosting ppl sort of bed and breakfast style to eat real italian food. and the focus is eating only locally and with the seasons...i had rabbit at the one i went to. anyways...just a thought!
