Tuesday 8 September 2009

the makings of a good semester

this is what a good first day of school looks like (my last!!)

7:30 am hit the snooze button
7:45 am stumbled out of bed, get some clothes on, down the stairs to the kitchen where i get to see becky's lovely face first thing (:
9 am spanish for heritage speakers. a room full of caribbean ppls who, like me, can speaky the spani but no can escribar espanol.
10am-11:30 shelving in frost
11:30-12:30 lunch in the zu with caiters, we stir fry up some yummy greens and other veg + nuke some veggie burgers. delish
12:30 cait scuttles off to class, i bike off to umass. the morning fog has lifted and i'm swimming in beautiful sunshine
1pm sustainable agriculture class with my favorite gardening sustainability guru who i TAed for last semester. we introduce ourselves and our agriculture experience. good vibes from the group
2:30 i join a kickass bike brigade of fellow sustainable ag kids across the umass campus over to sunset farms, where we spend the next few hours pulling up tomato plants, hearing about the farm's incredible history (started by a couple from brooklyn about 30+ years ago, they're in their 70's now, 50 yrs of marriage, 12 acres of luscious food+flowers - such a beautiful thing going at this place..), and snacking on raspberries, muskmelon (like a cantaloupe but smoother, you can eat it alllll!), watermelon, fresh salsa, ETC. i think i love farming so much because i just plain like to EAT. i really love my classmates from this class. lots of familiar faces and a bunch of new awesome buddies, and i gotta say i thoroughly enjoyed being in a badass biker gang. yuh
5:15pm feeling nostalgic for summer (and it was just so darn SUNNY!) so i head over to north amherst, hang out at the old house for a bit, then head over to puffer's pond, chat with my sister on the phone (or really, just talk at her for half an hour... why is our relationship so weird?), and hop back on my bike
6:30 check book prices at amherst books for a quick second (too expensive, i decide to forgo school books. hrm) and pull up to the zu right as they call "dinner!!" - the first of the semester. enjoy a delicious meal with boos- rach becky cait dan zorina tatiana and lotsa other peeps including new friends like anna reid, etc (: YUMMMMM.
7ish go for a little walk with becky, end up on the football field where we witness one of the greatest sunsets of all time. truly epic. damn. it's a good thing we weren't on drugs for that, we would have lost our minds i think
and since then i've been relatively unproductive. i showered, that's about the extent of it. not a page opened for my enviro studs seminar tomorrow. oh wells. and so the procrastination game begins again.

picking up a free couch tomorrow!
maine this weekend!
watson proposal... at some point! soon?


ps http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHhUAGvl-K8 OLD SCHOOL JAM (why am i listening to the dawson's creek soundtrack right now?)


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