Monday 7 September 2009

workin' gal

Last Friday, I finished my first week of work! I sit behind a computer or in front of a manual and do "research" (reading the FEMA website and a lot of facebook and gchatting) and go to my boss's office and listen to her ramble for an hour or so, a day. So, it's pretty much exactly like Amherst. Class/lecture for a few hours a day and then "research". I can even wear my ripped up jeans and sneakers! I think I'm really going to enjoy this year of work and I've already learned so much about disasters.

Right now, I just sat down in the living room after washing the dishes from a spaghetti and meatball dinner one of my housemates and his girlfriend cooked. My housemates are jamming out next to me with a guitar, harmonica, and recorder. It's weird living with all boys after living with all girls. Life is pretty much as perfect as it can get. My only complaint about life in Austin is that I'm too social! I've gone out almost every night last week which meant a lot of recuperating time in the office (and a lot of not working). There's also been hilarious boy drama SO CALL ME FOR THE DEETS.

Highlights of living cheaply:
Found a way to get into Austin City Limits for free
Found a place where I can play free pool (and the owner gives me free pizza too!)!

One of my housemates, Andy

Andrew, another housemate, on the right and his friend Matt making a blueberry pie

Me making MEATLOAF from Andrew's recipe


  1. how fitting. selena with her hands in a bowl of raw red meat. ew. that photo is only missing rosie making some sort of obsence gesture in the background.

    le sigh. misss itttttt.

  2. RUB ON MY MEAT YEYUHH *accompanied by suck it hands* was that?
