Monday 1 June 2009

Blast to the past

Dearest Chapman--

so fun to read of all your adventures! I am currently in upstate New York (Glens Falls to be exact) sitting in my Poppy's office, looking at a blowpens picture creation my brother and I made for him when we were about 5 and 7. He has it taped on his wall. It's so strange but wonderful being back in this house, a house I spent so much time in when I was little. I haven't been here probably since the fall, when I was here with Hannah apple picking. Speaking of the subject (and not to depress the many of you who will be off in the world embarking on other grand adventures)-- whoever is around again in the fall, we should come here and do that again :)

So the reason for the wanderings around the greater New York/New England area? (Before NY I went back to CT for a couple days to see my fam-- Ben is graduating in a couple of weeks...craazy.) Well, one of my best friends when I was a little girl got married on Saturday. Hoooly crap. Last time I saw her I think we both had sand in our butts and were playing on the beach in our cute little girl onesys in Maine at her grandparents lakehouse. And now, she's married. 20 years old, just like me. But she looked so beautiful, and it was so amazing to see so many of those, old family friends, both the little ones who are now all grown up just like me and the parents-- everyone still remembers everybody! There was amazing food and we spent all night dancing suprisingly good music. I have great photos, but unfortunately, not the technology to post them now...I will in a couple days when I arrive home.

And since my boss gave me a 2 week paid vacation (what am I, 50?), I'm just kind of laying back and letting the adventures come...I wanted to spend this time with my grandparents, since its so little the time I get to see them usually. I'll be back in the CT land on Tuesday, then I think up to Maine to visit my best friend Kristin on Thursday...finally on Sunday I think I'll be rolling around into Amherst again, to settle into our adorable house and start the summer groove in Amherst. You know what we remind me of? One of those lamps they sell at like Spencers gifts or give away at raffles, that start in the middle and spread out all over the place. All over the world, each on different and grand adventures, but together at the base, I guess by the womb of love? Ok ok, Selena and Carmella, call me gay.
Love to all,

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I could totally hear the way Cait said, "hoooooooly crap."
