Monday 15 June 2009

workin' in Dallas (NSFW - Not Safe For Work)

Hey kiddos,

I still haven't found a job in NYC, but I have found a part-time job in Dallas. It's called Greenz - Salad for z' adventurous. They do wacky salads. But they're not that wacky, really. Just wacky for Texas. Today was my first day!! I started at 8 today and ended at 3:30. I was up on my feet all day because they got REALLY busy. Ryan, the manager, said that today was the busiest they've ever been. We even stopped taking delivery orders, it was just too much. At the end of the day, Ryan went through my "new employee checklist". At the end of the day, he remarked, "I guess I didn't train you as much as make you do. So you're all good." THX. Anyway, people are horrible, in general. And I already have stories. A woman refused to touch her salad claiming that it was "absolutely inedible" without having tried it, just because she didn't realize there were walnuts on it. And another guy was all, "hi. you're new. what's your name?" "selena" "it's a pleasure being served by you" Jesus, it's not like I was serving up a BJ. Anyway, it was kind of nice being really busy again. Reminded me of school. I almost miss the stress. And I have homework tonight! I have to memorize the menu. So off to that.

What's everyone reading lately?

I just finished "Extremely Loud, Incredibly Fast" by Jonathan Safran Foer because I loved "Everything is Illuminated". I highly recommend either.

I'm now starting "Hunger Games" which is pretty much a remake of Battle Royale, which is a bloody movie about kids killing each other in a game. It was on my friend's little sister's 7th grade reading list. I'm concerned

And then I'm going to read Isabel Allende's "House of Spirits" in deference to Chapman and Rachel's quote.



  1. your waitress lifestyle sounds boss.
    my dad is making me read "the dumbest generation"...thanks dad.
    for fun, midnight's children, eat pray love, and the road

  2. i read pamuk's snow in the sweaty heat of costa rica.. right now i'm supposed to be reading for my thesis. love love love

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. house of spirits - so good! i'm planning on taking up a few isabelle allende books once we get underway with sailing. (of love and shadows and another one...)

  5. I just read Ian McEwan's "Enduring Love" (mostly in a car), which was a quick read and awesome. Currently I'm reading some dorky biology/geology books, Arthur Zajonc's book on meditation, and am about to start something by Steinbeck (undecided as to what exactly). I seem to find myself always reading about 3 books at once when not in school.
