Tuesday 16 June 2009

High School Reunion and My Mommy

Man -- I love you all AND this blog. How else would I get a sense of what each of you is doing every week? Love it.

SO: on Thursday I came back from England, sick as hell -- I ended up with a ridiculous chest and sinus infection -- so nasty -- to TONS of family here for the weekend. My uncle Woody practices "body talk" and managed to partially heal my sickness, and then I went to the doctor for serious antibiotics and chest clearing meds. I am mostly better. My cousins were here with their funny/cute babies and their husbands -- 2 1/2 year old Pele was chased a little by my dog Sophie and so he freaked out a little. I picked him up and said, "Sophie's kind of big isn't she," as I imagine it would kind of be like having a Polar bear chase you around this enormous dining room table, and Pele said "too big." I took a long late night hot tub with my cousin Juliette (Pele's mommy), during which we carefully monitored the temperature -- she's preggo again (which I of course love) and doesn't want to overcook that bun in the oven. We speculated about family relationships and whatever. It was good. :)

On Saturday, I left the family and sped up to my high school! Woot! My five year reunion was unbelievably fun -- definitely didn't expect it. It was SO nice to catch up with people -- many of whom I hadn't seen or communicated with since graduation and to be reminded of how much I really love so many of them. We got drunk in the cafeteria and then went out to Cambridge for a high school style house party -- so fitting. On Sunday I went into Boston with my HS roommate and saw one of my favorite high school friends from the class below us.

ANYWAYS, now I am home. Before going to my reunion, I accompanied my mommy to her gym so I could use the machines and she could go to a step class, and sadly, she had yet ANOTHER fight with her instructor. She's been sticking up for herself lately at her stupid gym full of really caddy and lame women, which has made her pretty damn unpopular. But she's gotten pretty good at coming up with snippy one-liners. Anyways, this particular instructor is a real bitch, but oh well. I'll spare you all the details. In any event, she had heard about a different gym, but have never checked it out, so I looked it up and pretty much FORCED her to go with me to a class there today (she only does classes -- she detests treadmills etc. Too boring for her.), and we both LOVED it. It was a mostly dance focused class that was actually kind of hard and was a combo of hip-hop, salsa, merenge, swing and jazz all mushed together back to back. So she's particularly happy and she's leaving that other gym for good. :)

HA! I hope that all made sense -- have been on this computer for too long getting some random stuff done, so I REFUSE to read over my post!

Love and miss you all,


  1. hey megan, so sorry to hear about your sickness. your symptoms sound exactly like what i got the week after commencement - intense chest and sinus infection. it was so terrible. they also gave me some clearing meds, and i was coughing up horrible stuff for the whole next week and a half, up until just a few days ago. bleh! b ut i'm glad ew're both better. love you lovely!


  3. haha, definitely don't overcook buns in the oven!
