Saturday 20 June 2009

sorry i missed last week. i just forgot again. maybe i should set an alarm. so i returned yesterday from a week in boston/ rhode island with steve. i had the time of my life! we just did normal things like walk around the city, eat at restaurants, go to bars, play pool with cumberland townies, kareoke, movies, window shopping, going for "runs" and bike rides around his town, walk on the beach (it was way too cold to swim). rhode island is so green and hilly and new englandy, like amherst, but minus all the smart people. everyone there is so regular, simple compared to amherst people and new york people and florida people. that's the way they seem anyway. i don't know. whatever. anyway, it was so great to be with steve, but not at amherst. i feel bad that he always gets the stressed out, depressed, angry version of me, the amherst becky who's on the edge all the time. the same one you guys often get. that's not the real me, and it was so nice to be with him in a carefree environment, no school, no work. it felt like a honeymoon. i cried when i had to get back on the megabus home.

so now i am here in beautiful queens, ny. last night i went bowling with my friend mary from highschool (little asian who visited amherst that time) and my friend kristina from middle school.
it was in this big bowling alley/ pool hall/ arcade/ bar/ restaurant. it was like a carnival or something. a lot of fun.

i spent today cleaning and cooking and babysitting my niece. back to my housewife life. but starting monday, i will be a career woman! two weeks of training before my job really starts.
then 8 weeks of being basically a day camp counseler to the kids of incarcerated parents. should be interesting and rewarding and shit. plus i need money!!! i am considering singing in the subway because i wont get my first check for another 3 weeks. it's that or selling my body in the subway. i'll let you know what i decide.

oh also, my hair is growing fast. i should have a sizeable afro by the end of the summer, which is nice because i am really tired of looking super butch everytime i don't have a sundress on and giant hoop earrings. i really miss hair. it sucks to walk around on a windy day and have nothing happen. you know what i mean julian. doesn't it suck? but i am really happy it's natural now. i feel really good about that part.

hmm...what else? yeah. so this summer is gonna be working, getting fit, forcing myself to play guitar enough to actually get good at it, yoga yoga, yoga, meditate, read new age spitiruality shit, wish you all were here with me, repeat. that and the occasional trip to boston and maybe amherst to see carmsy, rachel and co. and maybe dan up in maine. it all depends on money. i hate how much money matters. oh well. LOVE YOU!!! tell me more about you!


  1. Becky! I want to see photos of your fro-y hair!!!

  2. tell me when you are in boston! or amherst (in case we are going to trip at the same time)!
