Wednesday 10 June 2009


Home, playing around with my laptop, absorbing items of interest that I missed in the rush of the semester, and cooking. And, of course, spending "quality" time with my family, including my deranged grandmother - Tough. Thinking the usual thoughts, about aging and generations, family-bred insecurities, the infinite mystery of my mother, sitting across from me at the table - what could she be thinking and WHY ? (How does she survive?) Judaism - reading Hannah Arendt's "The Origins of Totalitarianism" and wondering if I'll ever escape childhood Holocaust fantasies of being hunted... Sorry to be such a downer. I've actually been quite happy considering I'm at home !

I guess, I've designed this week to be a pause, to collect myself (organize my thoughts even) between end-of-semester galas and what will hopefully be a slow, sweet summer. I head back up to Amherst early Sunday morning (Cait, Julian - dinner plans for that evening?). Sorry that I'm missing Selena (but so GLAD to have you established in NYC soon!!!). And, Becky, you better come visit us at least half as much as you visit your boy !!!! (Bring him with you ?)


PS I found a map that will mark where we've posted from but I can't follow the instructions because I didn't create our blog site ? Selena ? Not necessary, maybe like tubs for organizing the Chapman fridge - hehe - but if Selene's feels so inclined, here are the instructions:

Brian, the Google engineer who created this feature in his 20% time, has written a gadget that will display your posts on a map. To add it to your blog, click “Add Your Own” on the “Add a Gadget” page and paste in this URL:

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