Friday 19 June 2009

entertainment across all forms of media, or hardcore leisure

Just finished Farenheit 451, being recently inspired to read those old classics that I managed to miss during high school. It's nice to have the time to do all of this catch up. I'm headed to the swap meet with Kevin (he visited Chaps, remember?) tomorrow.

Interesting events in recent memory include the San Diego County Fair, complete with adorable cows, goats, sheep, canopied kiosks of shops selling completely useless shit, and anything that has ever been fried. I actually saw a sign advertising a confection composed of two cookies forming the outer flanks for the following delicious filling, "cream cheese, strawberry jam, and CHICKEN" ...what the fuck. Not even I, nor Jess, would put chicken in the middle of a cookie and sweet goo sandwich. Not that it helps, but I believe it was fried chicken. The fair is a sick sick place.

Also, opened a twitter account ( in order to follow the iran election, and have just now made my first post, so that if you click on the link, it won't be a silly empty page. Who knows, maybe i will become a 'tweeter', helplessly connected in a pool of peer consciousness, which is more and more starting to seem to me a miraculous and scary manifestation of the 'hive mind' which captivated my star trek adolescence. You know...the borg...RESISTANCE IS FUTILE...too nerdy?

Also yesterday watched Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey for the first time and it is SCARY AS FUCK. The scariest part of which is encapsulated by this youtube video:
How scary is this scene out of context? Because after watching the entire movie, I wanted to crawl into a corner and cry softly. Man this video doesn't even have any of the HAL stuff. In other movie news, I agree with Rach, Up is lurvely.

Next week I'll get to tell you about my upcoming trip to Selena's crib in Dallas, and then it's back to Amherst for a quick hello and MOVE TO BOSTON. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh real life ahhhhhhhhhh....that is all.

1 comment:

  1. Ray is the man, man. I read this today:
