Tuesday 9 June 2009



It's my day -- and I will maybe forever have horror associated with days of the week typed out on a screen -- I watched The Shining last night for the first time, and it was SCARY as hell for me, and the scary music and creepiness would build and build and then it would cut to a black screen with Tuesday written in white letters on the screen... ha.

ANYWAY, -- Julian: you and every other Chapmanite is invited to visit the farm whenever I'm there -- my parents would be totally happy with whoever coming to pull weeds, pick some veggies, roll around in the dirt, or play with the new lambs (sadly, they are named "Crown Roast," "Shank," and some other cut of meat... and they will go in pieces into the freezer in the fall) at any time. And also Julian, you should look into my high school (Concord Academy) about a job. I'm serious, and I'll look into it a little also if you wouldn't mind. I really really really think the place would suit you big time.

Still in Oxford, but I am leaving on Thursday. :( Still having a really great time, it's a little tough leaving, but it's gotta happen at some point, so whatever. Just because this is a really silly video and will make you laugh a little, watch it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1lqWZ6RYSQ

Love and miss you all,

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