Sunday 21 June 2009

Buona sera!

So this post is for two weeks as I missed my last Sunday-- I have been quite the busy bee and traveling a ton even though I am still in Amherst. On one hand, I am working about 12 hour days-- on the other, my daily work schedule looks something like this: arrive at work, have writing workshops with famous people (a three person two hour writing workshop with Peter Elbow the other week!), read, have book discussions, practice vocabulary words, go strawberry picking, go see exciting lectures by cool people, go to movies/concerts, get taken out to lunch and dinner-- and all the while, the best part, watch the boy who we are working with simply loving life. He is growing so much and every time he is able to apply something we've read or learned into some new part, a smile breaks out over his face and it is so so so rewarding. I think this is the best job in the whole world. At least for now!
Other than my work life, life at 92 Montague Rd. is great. All the newbies are moved into the house now (just missing that bella carmzella), and we hang a lot at night. Usually baking, late night dinners, sitting around just having a good time. Summer's got a slow groove on now and I'm really digging it. I'm in CT right now (its so weird to be back in my old high school room)-- I came fo father's day and had SUCH a great day with my family. My mom is actually learning Spanish surprisingly fast-- my dad continues only knowing three words: si, bueno and cerveza. But somehow, we'll manage for the FAMILY TRIP TO COSTA RICA in July!!!! Ahhh I am so excited I can hardly contain it. Watch out for that Sunday's post...
Love you all.

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